Light to his Dark

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Authors Note:

I got an idea from in a headcannon I found. But I added a lot to it. Warning, there's a kiss that turns into more. Just saying. ^-^
I had decided to write a little thing for my first year anniversary of being on wattpad. I can't believe I've only been on here a year tomorrow, June 20th, 2017. Im become so used to writing on here, its one of my favorite past times. (:
Anyways, when I asked around for story ideas to what I should write for the anniversary, quite a few people were saying Solangelo. So, I hope you guys enjoy. (: All my love, ~Katie (:

Nico's cold hand fit perfectly into Will's warmer one. It was the pairs seven month anniversary today. With the help of Connor Stoll, Cecil Markowitz and Lou Ellen, they stole, distracted, and used the mist a little to sneak the boys out of Camp. It's a lot harder to sneak out of camp than one might think, since you're not allowed out of Camp unless its on a quest or the end of Summer and you're heading home for school. Will had taken Nico to a Carnival. They went on the most thrilling rides, they were monster slayers and teenage boys, being a thrill junkie was in their blood. They played all the games possible and didn't win a single thing. Will was a healer, not an athlete. But Nico, on the other hand, won multiple times. He'd always end up giving the stuffed animal to a little kid because they didn't want to worry about the scarecrow Octavian's ghost coming back to track them down and murder all the stuffed toys. It wasn't worth the risk.

They were just adorable little goofballs. Racing each other to nearly every ride . . .
Stealing the food their date was about to eat . . .
The light playful endearing bantering between them . . .
The little nudges that resulted in shoves and tickle fights . . .
It was one of the best days of their lives.

And that's what brought them to now, hand in hand, cuddling into one another, keeping each other warm despite the cold night air.
They arrived at Nico's cabin.

Nico turned to Will, smiling gently and looking down shyly. He really wished the day didn't go by so fast, so he could still have time with Will.
Will smiled gently, running his free hand through Nico's jet black hair.
"See you tomorrow Death Boy?"
Nico narrowed his eyes at the nickname and grumbled,
"Yeah sure."
Will gently lifted Nico's chin, looking at him soft and shyly, with adorably colored cheeks.
"I- I had a good time."
Nico felt his cheeks lightly heat up to. "Me as well."
Will's sky eyes light up bright an happily, Nico could feel it radiate off him, seeping into his bones, leaving him feeling warm and comfortable, at home even.
"Really?" Will chirped happily.
Nico chuckled, turning his head so his dark hair fell out of his eyes and he looked at Sunshine smiling fondly. "Yeah."
Will seemed to burst into a ball of bubbly, happy, brightly lite energy. Like a kid in a candy store. Know matter how many dates they go on, Will always is happy, like it was the first time. He kept rambling things so fast that Nico couldn't understand, making him hold back a laugh,
Too cute.
Will was so happy at the moment, he didn't know what he was doing until he pressed their lips together. They had been dating for more than half a year now, and their was their first kiss. Both of them hadn't had enough guts to kiss each other, know matter how much they wanted to. Their lips fit like puzzle pieces and electricity ran through Will's system, never feeling more alive than right here, right now, gently kissing his Dark Prince's lips.
Will was going to retract his lips, afraid to startle Nico, when he felt the lips of an angel soft and featheredly kiss him back.

Will's gentle hesitant lips on his own made Nico freeze at first. But he couldn't help but melt. Sunshine had captured his heart back in the Giant Summer. Only now he could show it, because it wasn't the 19th century anymore. People were more accepting now days. Homosexuality isn't an unspeakable blasphemy anymore.
The world is changing, because of young, crazy kids like them.
And it can only get better from here.

Nico kissed him gentle and shyly. His hands slipping in Will's hair and gently playing with his golden curly locks. Will hummed as he gently tilted his head and kissed him slower and more passionately. Nico groaned softly as he lightly tugged at Will's hair, resulting in a little moan slipping past Sunny Boys lips. Nico's breathing speed up and cheeks burned as the kiss heated up, Will gently rubbing circles into Nico's black skinny jeaned hips, that hugged his them and the Dark Heir's legs just right. Nico grunted as he chewed rough and hotly at Will's lower lip. They were both beyond flustered as their hearts raced and they disappeared into shadow.

Will gasped and tugged on Nico's belt loops, pulling him to where there was no space between them. Nico smirked, his dark eyes lite up in a trouble maker light as he fisted Will's shirt and leaned in, sucking at the tip of Will's tongue sinfully.
Oh gods, he's good.
How he's sucking at my tongue . . .
It's as if it was my d-
Will shivered in pleasure, goosebumps running up and down his arms and legs, as a moan slipped past his rose petal pink lips. He may not be able to sing, but that was the most beautiful, musical sound Nico had heard, from anyone, in his life and knew that nothing could ever be more beautiful than the boy in front of him. Will's heart was pounding nonstop as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He gently ran his hand up and down Nico's clothed chest, slipping his hand under the dark fabric.
"Nicoooo." Will whisper called.
Nico smiled, rubbing gentle circles into Will's upper thigh.
"Yes, my love?" Whispering in a sexy breathy voice, lips lightly brushing and ghosting Will's ear sensually, leaving  his light shivering. Nico hummed, before he reconnected their lips and took Will's tounge whole in his mouth.


Will and Nico broke away, whirling to the side to see the Lord of the Dead himself. The scowl left his lips as Hades eyes lite up in amusement at the startled teenagers. Holding no sympathy whatsoever, he held back a smirk.
"I'm happy you have a boyfriend, I really am.
But, next time you want to have sex, don't shadow travel to your Dad's throne room.
I mean, it was quite a nice show,
but I'm not into the whole, getting turned on by watching your son do naughty things.
Unlike some nasty mortals.
Really, who ever came up with that plot line for a porn deserves to be be rewarded with the highest punishment the underworld can give him."
Hades shook his head with distaste.
"Anyway, since you never told me that you had a boyfriend,
and I obviously scared you both enough
that your little friends down stairs calmed down." Hades smirked with a wink.
"Why don't you guys come into the dining room? We're having McDonalds for Dinner."

And that's pretty much it.
Will and Nico had been dating for a couple of months, had their first make out turn into something that could of gone farther, if they hadn't ended up before the Underworld's Ruler.

Well, you could say that was one hell of a first impression Will made on Nico's Dad.

As for the first time Solangelo goes all the way . . . Well, that's another story for another day.

--- the End ---

Authors Note:

This was originally suppose to be fluff, but I don't know how fluffy that was. It just came out *cough* dirty *cough* this way, I'm sorry if it's not what you expected. But I hope you guys liked it all the same.
I had a blast writing it.
Did I do a good job representing them?
I haven't written much for Solangelo, but if you liked it let me know which parts were your fave and if you'd like to see more of them from me. I'm always up for suggestions. I could always use some new ideas. I'll even give you the credit for the story line idea. ^-^
Welp, that's all.
All my love, ~Katie (:

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