Morning To You Too.

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Ugh. Another morning. Another. Lousy. Morning. You didn't understand why you had to be awake so early to begin training. I mean, 6 AM, why?! You sat up in your bed, smashing your head into the top bunk and collapsing back down into the mattress. "Keep it down, some of us don't start training till 8!" It must be your new room mate, what was her name, Hangi? Hanjo? Ah, yes Hanji.

Carefully - and quietly - trying not to awaken the beast, you pulled the covers off of you and got out of bed. You placed your feet on the cold floor beneath you and tensed up your toes. Your eyes itched with utter exhaustion, and you rubbed them and blinked, furiously trying to wake yourself up. Widening your eyes, you look up to see Hangi- HANJI, standing across the room from you, half dressed... Your cheeks flushed bright pink. "Um, I'm sorry, " you splutter, looking back down at your feet. Hanji turned around and glared at you. "I- Um-" you murmer, unsure of how to react. "Why are you up so early miss?" Hanji stared into your eyes, making you feel uncomfortable yet also... Lustful?

WOAH WOAH WOAH. Five minutes ago, you barely new this woman's name, and you're already catching feelings. No...

"Well, I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just guessed I should get dressed now," she explained. You nod, and continue to stare down at the floor. Oh god. What was happening? Whilst Hanji was turned away, you slowly and surreptitiously raise your head, catching a glance of her smooth and curved waist, immediately counter acted by her throwing a shirt around her. You look to your left - out of the window - and crinkle your eyebrows, biting your lip in order to try to take your uncomfort. "You okay there stranger?" You turn around and stare at Hanji, her head tilted, awaiting a response. "Oh, yeah just, tired, that's all!" What an excuse... She rolled her eyes and smirked, turning to face the wall again as she tied her hair up into a messy ponytail. You recognised that hair-do from somewhere, maybe you did know this... Hanji.

As Hanji put on her glasses, You couldn't help but stare in awe. How she bit her lip, how she flicked her fringe out of her face, how she looked at you. It was all pulling you in. Did you like her? No. You couldn't. You just met her. Oh, but she was so hot...

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