Bad Boys Game

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*The alarm ring,7:10,I stopped the alarm.",I'm so tired.I said".What time is it*saids it in a tired way,looks at clock."Oh no im almost late to school."*getting ready to for school.*after I'm finish getting ready I got my key and went to my car,and drive to my school,I got to school and started walking towards my gang."Hi guys.i said".Hi Scarlett.replied Alexis."Sup Scarlett.replied Kassentra."*Hunter's gang came towards us.
"What do you even want.i replied.
"i want you to go to my party at my house.
"What's ur address than.i replied.*Hunter gives me his address to his house."Alright see you at 5:00.
"See yah at the party.replied Hunter.
Scarlett:*It was 7:30,so everyone walked to there own class.*I went to my class and sat in the middle.*Hunter came toward me and kiss my cheek out of no where.*Everyone says awwww."What are you doing.i said.Hunter:Nothing Princess.Hunter smirked."Stop calling me that,it's annoying.i replied.*He went back to his seat,the teacher came inside the classroom."good morning class.said Mrs.Lopez."good morning ,replied the class."Today we're gonna work on math.said Mrs.Lopez.*than Mrs.Lopez teach us about math and blah blah blah,so I just got bored and waited until the bell ring,then bell ringed."ok class it's time to get a free space.said Mrs.Lopez. [Free space mean free time]*the whole class went to go to the hallway,bathroom,outside.*Someone grabed my hand from behind after I walked to the hallway,I looked back and it was the trouble maker that is you know."Why you kiss my cheek in class.i ask."Cause your my Princess.replied Hunter."I'm not ok,so stop acting like a Prince charming.i replied."Shut up or I will kiss you.said Hunter.*i stopped talking so Hunter dosent kiss me."good.replied Hunter.*Hunter grabed my arm and went through the hallway to his car."Where are you taking me.i ask."to go somewhere far away from here.replied Hunter.*i took off Hunter's hand off of mine and ran to my gang,but couldn't.*cause Hunter grabed my hand and..."if you don't go inside the car,I'm gonna kiss you and won't stop.said Hunter.*I'm didn't want him to kiss me,so I just opened the door and went inside the car."Good girl.said Hunter.*He opened the front door and went inside,drive far away."Where are you really taking me.i said."to Sacramento.replied Hunter."Waat.i said.

I hope you guys enjoy this story,please make me happy.And please don't put mean comments.Everyday I will make more parts of Bad Boys Game.And have a great healthy day.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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