Within the Pages

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After school, I headed to the library hoping to study for my big essay. I walk in to see students reading at tables, studying for upcoming assignments, and browsing for books. I hear my heels click the floor as I browse over to the the fairytale history section in the middle of the rows of books. I skim over to the fairytale villain row where books laid written about famous fairytale villains. I grabbed the Gothel Witch, the Sea Witch, the Evil Stepmother, the Dark Fairy, the Candy Witch, the Queen of Hearts, and the huge book all the way to the left of the row...the Evil Queen. I struggle to hold all of them as I walk over to an empty table and plop all of the books down on it. The loud thump echoed through the whole room. I sigh as I sit down and open the first book: The Gothel Witch. I was about to start reading before Dexter Charming walks over to my table, blushing a brow as he smiles at me.

"Hey Raven, watch a reading?" He asks. I look at my messy pile of books and I rest my head on my hand.

"I'm studying some famous fairytale villains for my essay, and it looks like it is going to take me the rest of the day to get through these." I say flipping through some pages of my book. Dexter looked at me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well I-I could help you if you want..." he asked. I found it cute when he got nervous talking around me, it was so sweet. I smiled.

"If you don't mind, I could use some help actually." I say. He smiled as he sit down right across from me and grabs the book: The Sea Witch and opens it up. I start to skim through my book as I notice Dexter trying to sneak glances at me but quickly darting his eyes back to the book.

"So what have you been up to Dex? Anything interesting?" I say as I turn a page. He turns one too.

"I mean, not really. I've got Bookball and AV club, but not much else...how about you?" He asks. Right now I have been so hocus focused on my essay that I had to actually think about it for a moment.

"Well besides this essay, I'm still practicing my guitar and trying to train myself to use my magic for good. Sometimes, I wish I never even had magic." I say briefly looking at my hands. I lay my book flat and sigh. Dexter lays his book flat as well.

"Well I think your pretty amazing just the way you are." He says blushing more red. I lift my head up more.

"Thanks Dex, I think your also pretty spelltacular." I reply back which makes him smile. He clears his throat and fixes his glasses.

"I was um, wondering if, uh you would like to go with me on another...date...to the North Star gazing event in Book End park this Friday night." He asked. I can tell he is nervous on wether I will say yes or no. I wish he could know how much I liked him, for I know he likes me but I don't want to rush anything. I prefer it to happen naturally.

"I would love to. I always enjoy a date with the Charming Dexter." I say smiling as I lay my hand on top of his. His looks at me wide eyed as he sits still for a brief moment before interlocking his fingers with mine. I blush as well as we look at each other in a gazing manner.

"Would 9:00 work? I could bring us some dinner and a comfy blanket." He says still holding my hands. His hands are so soft but firm at the same time.

"Perfect. It's gonna be fun." I say blushing ever harder now. This is a little embarrassing for me to be honest, I wonder if this is how Dexter feels? I'm pretty sure we have been gazing at each other for several minutes now, but not too long before Blondie Lockes shows up right at the end of the table next to us. I jump back a bit out of surprise, letting go of Dexter's hand.

"Hey lovebirds! Having a little study date?" She said with a wide smile as she rested her chin on both of her hands. Dexter blushed as I push my book towards her.

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