ashron me clam armleigj britanys and lukewarm sat around the campfire singing songs. like and michael played their geetars. oh ya michael was there too. ashton played his drums and calum played his bass. they sang song from sounds good feels good. hey everybody! ashton got out of his drum kit and grabbed a marshmallow
"hey bitch do you want a mallow?" he asked me sweetly. aw.
"yes please thanks hunny bunches of oats." he put one on his stick and put it over the fire. it caught fire and he threw it to me.
"omg what the fuck ashton?!. this is my brand new gucci weave!" i yelled, ripping flaming mallows out of my hair.
"sorry deer you said you wanted one."
"not a flaming one you stupid ass!!!!!!!" i said. i grabbed the bag of msrshaleeows and threw them all in the fire and squished them on his hat. armlorj and calum were like "wtf?" and hritney and luey just looked at me.
the end
berntey and lueks camping adventure
Fanfiction!!! super realistic (these are meant to be a joke!!)