That is Yoshiro, also your yandere

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That is Yoshiro, also your yandere.  Also, if you have read my parody book, or at least one or two chapters, I know nothing about love, but people have told me I am a good therapist for breakups or drama like that. I'll stop talking for now, but next chapter will be an author's note about this. Enjoy!

(F/C)= Favorite Color



I woke up and did my morning routine that consists of brushing my teeth, waking up my daughter for school, waking up Kashou for work, getting dressed, etcetera. I have made my decision and I hope I don't risk my life for it.

"Mom, I'm ready. Can you take me to school instead of Dad? I sort of--" Rin's voice was trailing off, and she seemed a bit distraught. "Just, please?" She pleaded, and tears were welling up in her eyes. 

"Alright Sweetie, I'll tell my boss I'll be a bit late, she'll understand that you're more important than work." I reassured her. "Honey," I called out for my husband to tell him the news, "Rin's riding with me, okay?"

"Alright!" He responded. Doubt he heard me, I wonder what he is doing though? Doesn't concern me probably.

I put on my jacket, and grabbed everything I needed for my work and walked Rin out of the door. "Bye, Kashou! I'll be seeing you when I get home!"

"Wait!" He came rushing down the stairs like he was in a hurry for something. "You forgot my kiss!" I chuckled a bit, and gave him a peck on the lips, and Rin kissed him hesitantly on the cheek. Something is wrong with Rin and it may involve Kashou. Oh no. . .

"Alright, I love you!" I said to Kashou as Rin and I were walking away, but Rin didn't say anything, she just nodded. I tried rushing her to my car a bit so I can see what she needs to say to me.

"Mom," she started to talk, and her voice was cracking a bit," Dad," She paused again, looking like she is trying to process what she was about to say," he might be cheating on you." She looked worried, like I was about to yell at her for doing drugs. Even though I won't yell at her. I just want to see why she would think Kashou is cheating on me.

"Alright, how do you think he is cheating on me?" I started the engine and she was in the passenger seat next to me, wearing her signature black jacket, while I am wearing a (F/C) jacket.

"Well, he has been working overtime, right? Also, he left his phone near me, and there was a message sent to him, it was a girl in a bra." She paused and started playing with her blue hair, and took a deep breath. "Even worse, I knew the girl, but I thought it was a wrong number, so I replied to the text, and thanks to the new IPhone update where you can slide left to reply to numbers," She paused and furrowed her brows and looked at me, "it wasn't a wrong number." She finished angrily. "I don't want Dad to get in jail for possession for child pornography, and I certainly  hope that Dad isn't seeing her. Although," she paused and smirked, "I do hope Brittney Hanaway does get expelled. She's the biggest troublemaker at our school. She's done it all. Drugs. Smoke cigarettes. Sexted. Sex. I wouldn't be surprised if she seduced someone in college just to go to a Frat party."

"Calm down, Rin. How would you know all she has done?" I asked her. They're probably just stupid rumors, although if she has done all that, I don't know why she isn't in jail.

"She brags about all of that on social media. She uses a fake name, but everyone in school knows it's her, she made a fake ID, too." Rin explained.

"Police would still be able to track her phone and arrest her. The police also use the Internet." I explained to her. Rin wants to be a detective like the people on the crime shows, but she still has a lot to learn.

"Like I said, she uses a fake ID, and she claims she is twenty-one on Instagram and Snapchat. Although she looks way to young to be twenty-one." Rin shook her head.

"Alright Honey we arrived at the school. I love you, have fun, and stay away from her, okay?" I kissed her on her head and waved her goodbye as she frolicked to her group of friends. I drove off to my work as the conversation about the sexts replayed in my head.

". . .he left his phone near me, and there was a message sent to him, it was a girl in a bra.' She paused and started playing with her blue hair, and took a deep breath. 'Even worse, I knew the girl, but I thought it was a wrong number, so I replied to the text, and thanks to the new IPhone update where you can slide left to reply to numbers,' She paused and furrowed her brows and looked at me, 'it wasn't a wrong number.'"

I sighed, and rubbed my temples. "What am I going to do?" I sighed angrily, and turned of the car. I grabbed all of the files I needed for my work, my purse, keys and phone and shoved my phone and keys into my purse. I'm so stressed, and I hope my boss will let me off the hook.

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