Chapter 1

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Camila POV

"Ugh" I groaned as I woke up to the blinding rays of light hitting my eyes. I rubbed at my eyes and looked over to my alarm clock, *6:50am*. "Shit!" I mumbled realizing I had slept an extra 40 minutes and have to go to a very new school, very soon.

"Sofi!" I called out. Soon hearing little footsteps approaching my room, and seeing my little sister's big eyes staring up at me. "Yes, Kaki?" The younger one asks. "Where's mami, soph?". "Downstairs she told me to wake you but I was distracted, sorry Kaki!".

I smiled at my little sister's forgetfulness and got out of bed. "Okay, go tell her I'll be down in 20 minutes." Although I knew I'd take much longer. "Okay!" Sofi said, while running out of the room.

I turned to look at the clothes I had layed out on my bed and made a face. "I can't believe I actually commited to going to a new school. What will happen when they see the new girl joining 3 months in?", I frowned.

But soon realizing my friend Dinah, I had met a few months ago would be there. Maybe it won't be so bad? I could just hang around her, I thought. I started to get dressed and ready, heading out the door, anxious for the day ahead of me.

Lauren POV

I woke up an hour early for school, like always. Looking at the clock, that read 5:10 am. I absolutely hated Newland Falls. The only thing holding me back from ditching was my best friend Normani, who I'd promised to her I would stay.

I decided to go onto Tumblr to waste time and saw a sappy quote that made me cringe "Hold onto your dreams and never give up!". I hated those. I knew it was all a bunch of bullshit. After mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr I, looked at the time soon

Realizing I'd been on far to long. *6:20* "Dammit, Tumblr you're going to be the death of me. I put my laptop down and ran up to my room, after showering and getting ready, I heard my phone buzz on my bed. I picked it up and saw I had a text from

Normani, quickly opening it and reading. ManiBear: Laur! Get your ass out the door and give me a ride to school, Love ya. I laughed at my friend's text and walked downstairs. Once opening the door and soon realizing Normani

Really was there waiting for a ride. "Hey Manibear" I said. "Lo! Took you long enough! C'mon." Normani said running to my Navy blue jeep. Once inside the car, I spoke up, "What's the rush? We still have a good 20 minutes."

Normani gave me a pointed look, "Umm, Lauren? Get your head out of your ass and look at the time!" I looked at the clock in my car and noticed we only have 8 minutes to get to school. "Shit, sorry I guess I'm just tired."

I stated, pulling out of the driveway heading to school. "So, that girl Dinah from our AP maths told me she has a friend named Camila, and this is supposedly her first day at Newland." Normani explained. "Hmm. Cool." I replied not really interested.

"What do you mean 'Hmm, cool?' Lauren! This could be your chance to actually get a girl that you might really have feelings for. Unlike Lucy. Ugh." Normani explained eagerly. "Mani, first of all Lucy was only a mistake,

Secondly, we don't even know this girl! She could be straight for all we know, which she most likely is." I said a little frustrated at the mention of Lucy. "Lo, please listen, she'll be the only girl at Newland who won't know about... you know, 'that'." Normani started.

"Yeah Mani, I know, I know, and I guess I'm just not ready yet. But I promise, I'll give it some thought." I told her only half telling the truth. I saw Normani grin widely as we started into the school parking lot.

Camila POV

After saying bye to my parents and Sofi, I started walking to school. I thought about all the possible outcomes that this day would bring. To say I was scared was an understandment. What if I just got tossed away like my old school? God, I'm so happy to be away from all the name calling and torture.

~10 minutes later~

I walked into school and instantly got reminded of Hallow Hills. Everyone was staring at me and whispering, but what can you expect being the new girl. I walked straight to the office to get my schedule. When I walked in I was surprised to see Dinah there already.

"Mila!" Dinah said squeezing me into a hug. "Hey Cheech!" I said reciprocating the hug. "What are you doing here? I'm supposed to be the new one here." I said making a silly face. Dinah nudged me on the arm. "I was waiting for you doofus!, I knew you'd be lost with out the only and only to help you."

Dinah said. I laughed at her little joke but gave her an appreciated look. The Secretary, I was guessing cleard her throat. "Hello! You must be the new young lady, Karla?" She asked smiling. I smiled back "Camila, actually and yep! Thats me." "Great! Her you go young lady, now Dinah here can show you around and share with you the expectaions."

She said Handing me a Pink piece of paper. I looked down realizing it was my schedule. "Follow me Mila." Dinah said leadng me out of the office. We were soon at her locker. "Can I see your schedule?" I handed the paper to her.

"Yes! We have AP maths, Science, oh and lunch of course." She said smiling. "Phew, because I did not want to be alone." I said with a grin. I looked up to see Dinah smiling wide at something,

And turned around to see a tall really good looking darkskinned girl, but to her right was the most stunning girl I've evet seen, her raven hair, piercing, gorgeous green eyes and light skin. I was so taken a back by how this girl looked.

They were soon getting closer and I was getting more and more nervous.

Lauren POV

I was standing in front of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had long brown wavy hair, chocolate brown eyes and that petite body of hers that her jeans hugged so tightly. She was absolutly breathtaking.

I was then pulled out of my trance when I heard Normani talking. "Hey Dinah! This is, as you might already know Lauren. She's in our AP maths" Normani said to Dinah with a smile.

Dinah smiled back. "Sup! Nice to finally put a name to green eyes." She laughed "Oh, and this over here is Camila, almost forgot about her." "Hey! Stop being mean Dj." Camila said. 'Camila', I thought, what a beautiful name.

Thats when I realized all eyes were on me. I could feel my face growing hot and said "Umm, sorry what?" Normani gave me a smirk and Dinah said, "Oh I was just asking if you were alive over there, you haven't said anything."

I noticed Camila staring at me intently. "Oh yeah, I am, sorry I was just thinking about homework.. and stuff." I looked over at Camila and we made eye contact for a split second before she turned away quickly.

"So Normani, Mila and I will see you two in AP maths after homeroom?" Dinah asked. "Yep, later." As we started walking away, I couldn't help but think of Camila, and how I was so drawn to her. I needed to get to know her. I don't know why, I just needed to.

A/N- Hey Lovely people :) I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. This is my first time ever writing so I'm sorry if it's bad but, feel free to give me suggestions. If you want me to continue this book, click that little star! Thanks- T <3

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