Untitled Part 1

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It was so serene being in pitch black solitude, nothing to disturb him or his apprentice. The cool and undisturbed cave was heaven compared to the literal fiery hell outside, the light summer breeze occasionally brushing past the commanders relaxed face. The older man opened his eyes, a smile forming on his face which was invisible to the darkness, everything around them was pitch black. Suddenly, he gave off a low whistle, relighting the fire they had just put out nearly ten minutes ago.

The commander was what most called a redeeming hellspawn- for both his personality and his appearance, the German male couldn't help it though, he had worked this hard to keep his position and wasn't backing down. His naturally red hair was somewhat spiked and messy, and slight stubble had formed across his square jaws. He turned his gaze down to see his apprentice, and what most Europeans would describe as An Extremely pretty boy. Most of his features were effeminate, almost making him delicate which is why most of the Kings guard had mistook him for a maiden.

The gentle wind had rose from the outside and flowed through the cave. Moving some hair from the feminine boy's face. His dark blue hair waving a bit as he let out the smallest sigh. The dark haired male sat with his legs crossed. Them being covered by his long like kimono wear. His hands sitting in his lap as he leaned back against the cold rock wall behind him.

The smaller male then jumped at the sound of a high whistle coming from his teacher. He wasn't sitting to far but yet not to close to the flame haired male. His eyes then focused to the fire infront of the two. But you couldn't really tell how the boy felt about seeing the flames due to him looking so calm. But out of the corner of his eye he saw the German man looking at him. Before he could look away the Korean male looked over and smiled, his lips staying shut. His eyes closing as he did so. "Sir. May I request you tell me another one of your adventure stories?" The feminine boy looking towards the muscular man as he reopened his blue eyes

The commander smiled, chuckling softly at his apprentices request. Unlike most mentors and apprentices, he was a lot more open to relaxing into training schedules, making them flexible for both. He was also one who wouldn't beat the absolute hell out of his own apprentice, seeing no use in punishing a small mistake. He turned his head fully to the Asian male, before speaking.

"Ja of course, if it means zat you can learn somezing from it, I don't mind at all" He replied, his voice was deep, but from his accent, it seemed to have a slight whine to the seemingly angered words.

He briefly closed his eyes for a mere second, trying to see what story he could tell this time. He was certain that they needed to start doing night training, which meant that natural predators were another problem. He smiled, knowing what story to tell, His green eyes bright as they shone with a familiar emotion- Curiosity and Pride.

The apprentice sat with his natural soft look in his eyes. Him smiling as his un even like bangs ruffled a bit. The young boy was very patient, him loving hearing the crazy stories from his mentor. Which unlike his father, he was very forgiving with the Korean boy's tiny mishaps.

The younger boy brought his hand up to his mouth, the sleeve draping over it as he laughed lightly into the side of it. Him laughing at the way his teacher told the story. But as the German man spoke the other began to focus on his masculine looks. The mans jaw had the slightest stubble. His red hair, very spiky and sharp looking, and his bright, prideful green eyes..most never tried looking past the demon site. But one you did you met the most dashing looking man.

The German finished his tale on the note of

"Un zat vas zee last time I efer vent into zee forest alone, vithout a torch or any veapons. Its good to trafel vith anozer person, just so you hafe a greater chance at defending yourself against a volf or Bear confrontation." His wide smile was visible against the soft and warm fire light, his outfit currently consisted of red and light brown clothing, great for training or relaxing in. He knew that his apprentice was paying attention to his story, and glad that he was.

He knew that the Korean male in front of him must have been abused by the other apprentices, not necessarily physically, but verbally. With his feminine looks and calm personality, he would have been considered a freak by most, but the commander was glad that he was mentoring him.

"How adventurous you are" The Korean boy replied with a light chuckle as he looked up at the older male. His hand then came back down to his lap as he kept his resting smile. "I was also wandering. Will we be doing night exercises tonight?" The boy's voice was soft like the smoothest fur. His eyes keeping a gentle gaze on the other infront of him.

Most would quiver at the sight of this demon look alike. But the blue haired boy would only look upon him with complete comfort and safety. He saw him as a prideful and brilliant solider and teacher. Not a fierce predator.

He chuckled, enjoying the younger males company, his eyes lighting up as he asked him a question. For having such a well behaved and respectful apprentice, He often found himself wondering why the young man wasnt flocked by maidens, he was the definition of chivalrous. The ran a hand through his spiked hair, breathing softly before he continued speaking.

"Ja, Vee vill, und I must say, you are doing vell compared to zee ozer apprentices" He complimented, his gaze running over his students posture. He was such a sweet boy, but he knew he was excellent at fighting, more specifically evasive techniques. He may have looked like someone who was easy to beat up, but he could easily slink out of a situation.

"Ah..alright" The Korean boy let out a soft sigh with his words as he kept his resting smile on. He then scooted up against the wall. His back touching the hard rock. He then turned his head over and looked at his teacher. His soft eyes gazing over at the muscular man. "You wouldn't mind me taking a rest before we get started?" The boy questioned, bringing his hand up and moving the long locks of hair behind his ear.

He has been beaten many times. Through words, and by his father....in a different way. But he never, ever, wanted that to get in the way of achieving this. If he every got hurt, in anyway, he would easily brush it off like it was nothing. Him having never been physically hurt infront of his teacher before.

His eyes softened as he replied to his question, glad that towards his apprentice he was calm and caring.

"Nein, not at all, you are still a squire, in no time vill you be a knight" He replied, leaning against the cool cave wall to rest himself. He was never interested in marrying, even though that didnt stop him from being the beloved gentle giant to the younger girls of his fellow soldiers.

He sighed heavily, closing his eyes briefly as he allowed the cool cave cover him in a dark blanket. He loved it, these underground places a great hideout from life's problems, as well as providing a great place to launch an attack.

*Whoop, 1294 words*

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