Untitled Part 2

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The young Korean male walked along side his mentor. Them only a few inches apart from each other as they walk. The young boy held his hands together out infront of him. Laying infront of his lap and his kimono having covered them up. He hummed a light tune as well, hoping nothing heard.

After a moment of so of walking down the street he caught sight of a small mart where a elder woman sat waving to him. Her being named Mrs. Elizabeth. She was a kind woman which Mika considered to be his host mother. Mika looked over at the German male and tugged his sleeve, grabbing his attention. He then spoke with his soft voice. "Please continue, I will catch up in a moment" he had that gentle expression with his resting smile as he turned and walked over to the deluded woman. She being all the way across the street. You could see the two chat for a moment before two kids came from behind her. "Mika! Mika!" They cheered. One a blonde headed British girl and the other a albino British boy. "Hello Reiner, Sally." He returned. His legs begging hugged as he messed with the children's hair. "Do bow down for a moment Mika!" Reiner spoke in which Mika crouched down. Him receiving a little flower crown. "I made it myself!" He spoke getting a nudge from his sister. "Along with Sally" he sighed. "Hey I did most of the work!" "Now you two, please do not fight" Mika smiled and they returned with a nod. "Thank you two though. It's very beautiful" they flustered so easily. "No problem!" The young boy rang out. "Ah, Mika-" Mika looked up at the elder woman. "That man over there has been glancing over here. Do you known him?"

Right then Mika laughed. Covering his mouth with his sleeve once again. "Yes, Yes, he's my teacher" "Oh!~ Wow~~" "Now Eliza stop thinking like that!" Mika flushed the lightest as she then reached out some bread. It being covered with razins. "Here, now you two enjoy." Mika sighed happily. You could see them chat for a few more moments before Mika ran back over. "Mrs, Elizabeth gave this to you" the Korean boy spoke smiling gently as he held out the bread from his mentors side.

The German man smiled contently as they walked, looking down as Mika informed him of what was happening. He merely nodded, glancing over at the scene that made him hold back a smile. He had never had any siblings that he could share anything with, and seeing two young children run around an older man was a heart warming sight. He jumped again as Mika returned with some raisin loaf.

"I must say danke next time I see her zen" He smiled happily, gently taking the loaf from his hands.

He continued walking, his red hair seemingly catching fire as the suns rays hit it right, his armor glinting proudly. He looked around the village, mentally noting if everything was all fine. He did love protecting this village, it was quite and most were friendly about his appearance.

Unless you were the church- On such a lovely day, you wouldnt expect some snobby nobleman stroll along, yelling out nonsense.
"Demons walk among us! We must stay vigilant!" He cried, causing the German man to frown.
"You there, Get here Demon" The preacher hissed, while Ludvig ignored his ramblings.

The lean boy stayed at his mentors side as right then he heard the preacher. "You There, Get here Demon" Right then Mika spoke up. Him staying with his calm tone and resting smile. But he was loud enough to be heard by the preacher. "Please do not speak such words to a man who's saved your life many times".

The Korean boy keeping his gentle look. His anger had slowly began boiling up though. Him easily keeping it hidden as he looked to the preacher.

The preacher snorted, before snarling

"That hell spawn has never save my life" His harsh words cutting down The Commander's confidence slightly.

"I hafen't, he is clearly new to zis town" Ludvig informed Mika, making eye contact with the believer.

"Oh, and this Demon is German, how fun" he sneered, stalking closer, clearly trying to push the Knight.

"Please, good sir, leafe me alone, I vant to continue mien day peacefully" Ludvig pleaded softly, trying to manoeuvre his way out of this stressful situation.

The boy's eyes widened as the preacher then brought out something, such to be called as holy water. And threw it at the German man. Without hesitation the Koreans male reached out. Putting his hand on the preachers chest and pushing him back. This small boy looked very fragile, but could easily take down the man he wanted to. And with ease he pushed the preacher to the ground. Stepping over him to where he couldn't move. He pulled out his sword. He would rather ruin his reputation then allow a honorable man to be brought back by this.

The feminine male brought his katana like sword up against the preachers chest. Pressing down just a bit enough to scare him. "Sir-" what was really odd was his voice was still soft and calm. And he wore his smile, but this time he didn't look sweet. He spoke bringing himself closer. "You bring down my mentors confidence, I'll be the one to bring you to the gates of hell" He whispered. His voice having a slight hiss at the end.

The German male hissed slightly as it landed on him, although to the Preacher it must have been proof he was a demon. In reality, Ludvig hated water, avoiding it as much as possible only to bathe and drink.

The preacher gasped as the man's apprentice pinned him down, shaking as he was threatened.

"How dare you threaten me, you flilthy-" The preacher was cut off by Ludvig standing behind his apprentice.

"How could someone so rude be accepted as a preacher?" He hissed.

The man shook again, starting to pray for his life, eyes closing as he started to cry.

"Let him up, Mika" He stated, showing mercy to the man on the ground.

Mika lost his evil looking smile as he turned around to his mentor, looking back at him with his normal soft expression. "Yes.." He spoke raising off the preacher and slid the sword back into its sheath at his side. It being covered by his kimono.

The Korean boy pinched the German mans shirt the slightest and pulled himself up to stand beside the firey male. "I apologize for my actions" the smallerboy spoke as he still held onto the others sleeve him standing at the German males side. Him not wearing his resting smile.

The German man watched his apprentice move back, before he walked over to the preacher. He offered a hand to help the man up, his fiery eyes soft as he spoke with some gruffness to his voice.

"Please.. let me help you" He stated, not affected by what had happened before.

The preacher flicked him away, causing the German to sigh, before looking at his Apprentice.

"Vee vill go"

"Yes.." Mika returned to his mentor as they turned and left. As they continued down the side walk Mika kept his hands together infront of himself. His eyes facing the road ahead of the two. Him keeping silent as they did so.

The German man was still silent, his eyes still soft as he walked, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. His pride was damaged although his apprentice provided some comfort for him.

Mika continued walking before he looked over to his mentor and friend. Mika seeing his soft but sad look "Commander.." Mika spoke softly. Him staring up at the German man. His hand grazing across Ludvig's. "Are you alright..?" He questioned.

Mika kept a gentle but worried expression. They kept walking beside each other as he awaited his answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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