Chapter Five

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Was I awake? I couldn’t tell it was still pitch black; it was as if I had never even opened my eyes. I tried to feel my face with my hands in the eerie darkness which now surrounded me.

            “Ow!” I’d managed to poke myself close to my eyes. More carefully this time I traced my face and soon found my eyes, my eyes were shut this explained the darkness. I tried to open them but somehow I couldn’t, it was as if something, perhaps a force, was acting upon them weighing them down. I then remembered what Carlos had said about how he training my mind had enabled me to do only a fraction of what I was capable of. Maybe if I could train myself I’d be able to get out of -wherever I am- I just had to go through the exercises from before but adapt them. It would hurt as before had but hopefully it wouldn’t be deadly… I’d have to try though; Carlos deserves that at the least.


I can tell she’s trying to fight it, I was not surprised as I knew she would, well she’s been programmed to never give up. Not that she knows that of course, all she understands is that she doesn’t want to give up and nothing more complex than that, which for the moment was all she needed to know. Looking at you now in this state of mind you look so peaceful however you still move a lot and of course talk. You may only believe that you’re thinking but here you’re talking aloud to yourself. I know that I still have to get you to my friend though; he can help you train because even he won’t be able to get you out of your ‘state’. As your state is more mental than physical, for the moment that is, this is why I need to get you to him because as soon as it gets physical, he will be the only one who can help you through it. There are so many different things I need to explain to you about well  you, and your role on this earth… things are not what they seem; this may seem like such a cliché but it is, your life is a large cliché and well a…

            “CARLOS!” Christine? As I glanced over her body was the same, as still and silent only her breathing giving away that she was only in fact sleeping. I noticed that outside the night had caught up with the day, the moon ruling the night sky with all the stars surrounding him. As if they all were loyal servants bowing down to him eating up his words with haste, and if commanded to would do the impossible just to please. Funny how we’re all like that in reality, those who are above us in power, money, strength, for those people we would do most things just to please. We think ourselves important just because the other species can’t rise against us but in reality we’re just as equal to them as everything else. Shaking myself I glanced back up to the night sky and let a secret smile spread across my face. Refocusing on the motorway was difficult as the different coloured lights and the smooth music playing on the radio was comforting and it was easy to simply doze off.

            “No.” I wouldn’t let myself by distracted, focusing on my driving I sped along the motorway.

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