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Real life dialogue at the hospital
Emily runs into Alisons room.
Alison's parents sits in the corner of the room crying.
[Emily]: Omg Alison, I feel so bad.
[Alison]: I'm glad. Glad you're here.
Emily sits at Alison's bed.
[Emily]: Omg I'm so so so sorry.
[Alison]: Don't be, I've been diagnosed for a long time. I just wanted to be with you.
[Emily]: Alison, is this the end?
[Alison]: It might be.
Emily starts crying.
[Alison]: Please don't cry.
[Emily]: I, there, I can't. You, I love you.
[Alison]: Hey, come closer.
[Emily]: What?
[Alison]: I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything.
Alison reaches in to kiss Emily. They kiss for a long while.
Alison falls down the bed and the bpm rate machine stops.
[Emily]: Alison, no.
Emily reaches down to hug Alison one more time.
[Doctor]: We have a dead person.
The doctor called for help.
[Emily]: No, there must be something you can do about it!
[Doctor]: I would if I could.
[Emily]: You wouldn't.
Emily cries and holds Alison's hand.
[Emily]: I'm sorry Alison. I'm sorry.
Emily kisses Alison's hand and sits there for a while.
Alison's parents sits there too bursting out in the most heart breaking cry ever.
[Assistant]: Excuse me, but we need to take her body with us.
[Emily]: Oh.
Alison's mom wipes her tears away.
[Assistant]: Can you please move from the bed?
Emily looks at Alison and wipes all the tears away. She walks away and looks at Alison.
[Emily]: Bye Alison DiLaurentis.

End of story. I know it's a sad ending bla bla bla. But it's quite heart breaking isn't it? And I know the story itself is short, but I get to think when I read it. About that you shouldn't take anyone for granted.
Thank you for reading my story, and if you got the time, please vote.

One last kiss • Emison fanfic • Text DialogueWhere stories live. Discover now