|•|chapter 2|•|

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*after lunch comes the last period of the day*

There's was 10 minutes left of first period, but I was so excited that Alex and I had first and last period together, it was a dream come true I had finally got the courage to actually sit next to Alex and spark a conversation with. 

"h-Hey Alex?!"

"Yeah Sage?" 

"umm...can you help me with this equation cause I'm having trouble with it, please."

"Yeah sure. So we are just collecting like terms for this one, 4r+5r=9r, then, y+2y=3y. So then you have to take those answers and add them together, but you get nothing because they have to be the same letter to be able to get and answer, do you understand?" Replies back Alex.

"yes and thank you for helping me *blushing a light shade of red*" I answer back

He smiles back at me giving me the shivers down my spine, making me blush even more like OMG!!!! 

*bell rings*

I quickly rush out the door before the teacher Mr Sherlock reminded me about my assignment that was due weeks ago, meaning last term work that I didn't hand in because I lost it, I'm not kidding this time I lost it and Sir would never believe me anyways so why would I care. I grab my bag out of my locker and race towards the door to meet up with Cat who is waiting for me out the front of my car.

"hey Cat!"

"oh hey darl how was maths with Alex!!!"

"geez, I couldn't keep my eyes off him, he's so adorable like I couldn't control myself blushing in front of him!"

"awww that's so cute, I wish I could have something like that---" we get interrupted by these group of boys and should I mention my ex-boyfriend Max is in this group that he calls friends. sometimes I wish I could just kick him where the sun don't shine and then knee him in the head.

"sure you can sugar cakes with me." answers Max

"Max what do you want." I snap back

"ahah well maybe a second chance with you baby."

"ughh you make me sick. Sometimes I wish I could just kick you in the balls ohh but wait you don't have any BAHAHAH(Cat starts laughing with me)."

He starts to get closer to me, and me immediately thinking I slap him really hard in the face which makes him fall to the ground with hands over his face, I scramble to get my keys and bag to get in the car with Cat and speed off out of the school carpark. In my review mirror I can see them starting to run after us which makes me push the peddle down further and speed off like a race car. They eventually stop chasing us, so I slow down and just focus on getting home.

"OMG what was that Sage?!" Cat sounding concerned 

"I-I don't know I just reacted when he got real close to me and he grabbed my hand and I didn't know what I was thinking?!"

We kept quite for the rest of the drive home. I couldn't stop thinking about of what just happened, I drove up to Cat's house to drop her off. We said goodbye and that we will call later tonight and forget about all of this madness. 

*arrives home*

As I pull up into the driveway I'm not looking forward to walk through those doors that lead me to a place that I call home, its like walking into my own home with people who don't give a damn about you. That house is the devil's house with pure evil around it, now I think about it I'm probably cursed.

"Sage, you're late!" my dad says in a scary tone.

"No I'm not its like 4:23pm!" I answer back.

"No you were meant to be home 15 mins ago Sage!" by the sound of his tone makes me want to jump out of my own skin.

He starts to unbuckle his belt from his pants and walks closer to me, I try to escape him but my horrid mother appears from behind me and pushes me to the ground with a thud. I start to scream from the top of my lungs to call for help but obviously no one comes to rescue me, i just don't understand why my own parents would do this to me as in like beat me if I'm ever late, if I have a detention or I have done something completely stupid like get pulled up by the cops or something like that I get in huge trouble then I get my punishment which I like to call 'my torture time'. 

I start to scramble and scream to get free from this beast but I can't with all this weight on me it honestly feels like someone just poured hundreds of bricks onto me. from the corner of my eye I can see Barbara, aka my mother, laughing at me and no helping me from the ground and taking me out of there but no, she just decides that laughing at me is the better solution.

*whips me in the face with the belt*

"OWWWWWWW SHIT *whimpers*" I struggle to scream out.

"NO DAD STOP PLEASE IT HURTS!!!" I scream even more.


He kept on punching me in my hip, whipping my leg with his belt and slaps me across my face for an hour at least. He finally stops and gets up off me and walks away from a sore, broken body on the floor and not bothering about it, I just remember how happy we all used to be 3 years ago until everything changed when dad saw me kissing Max (my ex-boyfriend). He just had a bad feeling about him and now punishes me for doing that. As I struggle to get up from the ground and walk up stairs with my things all I can do is cry and I couldn't control myself I just let it all out of me it felt like I just flushed out all of my emotions in one go and I couldn't stop crying that I cried my self to sleep.

My phone kept buzzing and I knew it was Cat but I couldn't be bothered to answer so I just ignore the fact that my phone is ringing and went back to sleeping.


wow geez I'm very sorry that I took 4eva to write this chapter because ive been busy with family + Christmas and other things so I hoped that you liked this chapter and ill see you all in the next one!!!

MadameShimer signing out!!!!!! xxxxxx

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