Going to Sing and OC contest!

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Matt's pov
Okay what? I'm confused right now. Why in the name of moose milk (was watching Moosecraft. Don't judge meh) are they wearing different clothes.... And are there opposite genders?! Well, better ask them. "Hey y/n? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her cause I trust her. "Sure Matt! What's up?" "Oh nothing much, just wondering why you guys are in different genders?!" "Oh, well Ryan dared me to take control over the daycare and yeah this happened." "Okay, at least I get what's going on now. Also, who's the new girl?" "Oh she was here yesterday, you just weren't here and her name is Genine." Okay, I now know why they are in different clothes and different genders and who the new girl is. That's good. "Matt, come here." I look around to see Ryan pulling me to my office.
"Whats up?" I asked, cause by the looks of his face, he looks like he needs help. "Uhh, howdoIimpressagirlwhichthisgirlisy/nbutstillhowcanI?" Ryan said this way to quickly. I didn't understand what in the world he said. "Okay buddy, can you say that again?" He then let his fear side down. "Okay, you can't tell anyone okay? I may or may not like someone and this someone may y/n and I want to impress her. But I don't know how." Awww, that is adorable! He likes y/n. They are so cute together! I can see it now, Ryan and y/n together, hanging out and about. Oh it's so cute! "Okay, so here is what I'm thinking. You bring her a white rose and take her on a date." "Uh, okay. Then afterwards what?" "Well in all dates, as I seen in movies, I'm guessing you kiss her." "Uhh, umm, uh o-okay." I'm such a good person to give advice. Too bad I will be a lonely little human. So sad, I need someone! Anyway, let's see what to do. "Ryan, why don't we go in the teleportal and when we go to the destination we want you can think of a secret place for you and y/n to go on your date?" "Okay director." We walk to the play room and we say hello to everyone. After we do that Genine decided on something. "Hey why don't we hear y/n sing? I heard she's great singer!" I actually think that's a good idea, so did everyone else but then I thought of Genine singing as well. What? She could be good at singing. "Genine, maybe you can sing a song after y/n." "Uh, I don't think I'm good at it." As soon as she said that, everyone kept on cheering that she go on to sing and that's when shark said something that I really didn't expect from him. "Genine, please? I really want to hear you sing. I Will still like you no matter what." "Thanks shark. I guess I could go." What in the world? Does, does shark care for Genine? Ooooo, this will be good! Match maker Matt is in control!

Genine pov
Okay. Lets go, I have a song in mind and it's like a true story for me. It's called lullaby for a princess. (If you guys know this song, I will be happy for days. I don't like the tv show, just the song.) I had a sister named kandace and she was fun to be around. We were like yin and yang. Until one day, I was known for this power, for turning into a Fox and being one with nature, and people started to focus on me instead of her. She soon tried to destroy me and the only way was to..... Send her away to the sky. I don't know how I developed that sort of power, but I did. I started to tear up just thinking of that day and I was like 2 or 3 by then. Shark noticed me crying a bit. He grabbed hold of my hand, took me to a place no one can see us, and asked me why I was crying. I explained what happened when I was 2 or 3 years old. He started to tear up as well because of how sad it was. I hugged him and he hugged back. I really needed to get this out of my chest. "Wait, shark. Before I sing my song, should I tell them the story that way they can actually see the resemblance?" "Honestly, it's up to you." I took a deep breath and decided to tell them when I was done singing.

Y/n pov (it will go back to Genine's once your song is done.)
Okay, so now I am up on stage and ready to sing. "Okay, the song I will be singing is...."
Oooooo, cliffhanger! I'm so evil! Okay so the reason I did this is because I want you guys, and you don't have to, choose a song for your character. And the description of the song my character, Genine, chose is kinda true. And I want to say there is a contest! That's right, I got a question from a follower that is questioning about sabre. Well he is coming! And he will have a lover too, but not cookie. I will still leave cookie in but she won't have an interest in him, just friends. So if you want to enter, all you have to do is this.
Age: (has to be between 4-7)
Hair color and Hair length:
Eye color:
3-4 traits:
And that's it. Thanks for reading, vote if you want and until the next chapter, peace✌

Welcome, to another day of daycare! Ryguyrocky x Neko!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now