Chapter 1

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The clock's ticking rang in her ears. She sat on her bed, reading a book. She didn't go to school anymore, after her parents divorced she couldn't bare it any longer. So instead her mother enrolled her in an online school. Though it was a kind gesture by her mother, it changed nothing. Vallerie could never like her mother, regardless of who's fault the divorce was, it happened and it ruined her life. But she was over it. Vallerie had been living with her mother in their small two-bedroom apartment for two years now. This is the life she had become used too. Though; it was as if when the divorce occurred, when her father left, he took something from her, but she couldn't place what it was.

Tick, tick, tick there it was again the insistent ticking that never seemed to stop. Vallerie glanced up to the clock, reading 12:58. She turned back to her book and tried to focus on the words that coated the page like a mask. "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." She read aloud.

Tick, tick, tock. The clock struck 13 and Vallerie was out like a switch. Vallerie had never understood it. Everyday when the clocks stuck 13 she would become oblivious to the world around her almost as if she were in her own world. It usually lasted about an hour but there have been occasions where it would go for longer. When she would come out of the trance though, she had no knowledge of what had happened during that time.

After a while Vallerie felt herself come back into reality. She checked the clock immediately, she needed to know how long she'd been out for. The clock read 13:48, she'd been out for 48 minutes. Vallerie stood from her bed and observed her surroundings. She looked over to her desk, then to her dresser. The picture from her dresser had been moved to her desk. She slowly approached the framed picture of she and her parents; the glass frame had been shattered, the picture torn into pieces. Horrified she stumbled back from her desk and fell onto her bed.

Knock, knock, "Sweetie" her mother spoke cautiously through the door, "Can I come in?", "Sure" replied Vallerie weakly. Her mother turned the door knob and quietly crept in. She knew something was wrong from the moment she entered the room. She walked over to Vallerie's bed and sat beside her. "Vallerie," her mother looked into her eyes sympathetically, "I think it's time we took you to that hospital" Vallerie's stomach dropped as the words escaped her mother's lips. She was referring to the nut house; where all the psychos in Summerville lived. After the divorce her mother claimed she there was something wrong with her, so they went to their doctor. Her doctor had suggested she was 'unstable' and recommended getting a formal diagnosis, from Daughtry House Hospital. Vallerie sat there on her bed in shock, her eyes welled with tears and she began to tremble. "Why?" she asked shakily, "Because, today was different. You were manically screaming." Vallerie's tears spilled gently down her cheeks as her mother spoke, "You've never done that before and I think you should talk to someone" her mother replied slowly. Reluctantly Vallerie nodded in agreement. She hated the idea of going there, but if she could find out what was really happening with her, she would.

She wasted the rest of the day away texting her friends and completing her daily work.

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