Chapter 1

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Honestly until I was 16 years old nothing really special happened in my life. Almost everything was the way it should be. I was raised in a good family and my parents taught me how to behave in a kind and nice way and well... I didn't really like school. That was me, and I dreamt that something would change. I knew it would happen but I didn't really know what would change. 

Until this one story happened. It tore me out of my invincibility and it showed me how the real life out there is like. It will forever be in my heart and today the story makes me laugh and cry at the same time. I crossed out the red marked Sunday in my calender and looked at the very boring Monday box, and nothing pointed to some sensational news, which could change my life. 

I walked over the playground with the worst mood I could've ever had. Those happily singing birds had a great life. They did't even know how the Inner of the building was. Not even the sun kept herself from putting her beautiful and placid rays onto the strange and ancient looking school. At least generations of students passed the round school gate and survived it... it was a weak little solace. 

The cold corridors smelled like dusty sheets of paper. Because they wanted to make the school look more colorful they painted all the doors in bright orange. I quickly went to the girls toilette and looked into the mirror. On the top of the glass directly above my head two words were written with a pink lipstick in Ashley's ornate handwriting >Kiss me<. She adorned it with own heart like lip print. I angrily got some Kleenex out of the box and cleaned the mirror. 

The face, which looked into me, can only be described as an ordinary face. I mean... I got some pretty characteristics. For example my big brown eyes, which sparkled like little stars. The funny freckles, which were place on my nose. But that was actually it. The rest was all in all just unobtrusive and plain-looking. My hair got the same mat-brown the bark of a tree has and was long and sleek, without any waves or curls, which could give it a more interesting look. I tried it once with mum's hairspray but I couldn't change it, it always replaced into the prissy shape with the middle parting. 

Ashley and Cailin didn't look dutifully and they were so much prettier. Ashley got a heart like face and her lips also looked heart like. She got blue eyes with long lashes. Cailin got a button nose and a cheeky, pointy chin, which made her look confident. In my face you couldn't find any cheeky part, everything was sleepy and dutiful and round. I never wore a pony-tail and always let my hair fall down, because I wanted to cover my ears. Ashley always said I would've had monkeyears that's why. Since the first grade I wished I could've had earrings, really big, silver, cool earrings. But my dad didn't allow it. It was against everything what wasn't natural. And having some holes in my ears wasn't natural at all! Maybe he got that attitude because he was a doctor with his whole soul. 

My watch said it was 7.30 a.m. and I made a grimace. There was no time left so I just had to go to the most awful torture chamber. Our classroom was on the 3rd floor, room 308, left hall 3rd door. I squared my shoulders and held my head high when I walked into the room. Don't show any insecurity, Mia, show self-confidence. Yeah that's the right way-yes, no one saw you... I navigate myself to my place in the last row and searched for Ashley and Julia with my eyes. She really was called Ashley and yes she was so damn proud of it. Her younger sister was called Emma Lou and was in the 6th grade. She was just as pretty as Ashley was, but no one could see those two sisters together. 

Ashley posed at the open window with her best friends Cailin and Laura and shook her light blonde hair. She wore a black top with glittery sequins on it- of course it was with bare midriff, so everyone could admire her piercing- and a wide silver belt around her pants. My shirt always was long enough to cover my butt. My dad would never allow me to wear such clothes Ashley wore. He always said such girls would end up as prostitutes one day. Well, Ashley hung out with some guys. No one wanted to know something about me and I really didn't have a clue how to take over a boy. Who would even try to be friends with a social misfit?! I sat down onto my place, braced my head with my hands and waited for the bell to ring. 

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