Chapter 13 ~What The Hell Are You~

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       An hour has gone by and Bliss was beginning to worry. Singh hasn't come back and she was afraid something bad happened to him. She sighed and walked outside deciding to go find him.

     Bliss walked into the forest as she followed claw marks on the trees and ground. The forest was silent, which was very strange since not even the birds were chirping.

     She stopped when the claw marks ended and she looked around. "Dad!" Bliss called out into the forest, but it quickly became a bad idea.

     Immediately a roar answered her and Bliss quickly looked up to see the outline of a figure, but the only detail she saw was two glowing yellow eyes. She gasped and ran as she heard the creature jumped down from the tree and chase after her.

      Something flew by her head and Bliss gasped and ducked. She stopped and looked up to see a spear in a tree in front of her and she widened her eyes and ran. It was totally trying to kill her.

      "Dad!" Bliss yelled, but she didn't see him as she ran faster, but she soon felt herself slow down and she knew she couldn't run any longer.

      Before Bliss could turn around to see if the creature was still chasing her, something pushed her into the ground and she gasped.

      Bliss tried to get up, but something heavy was on her back making her stay on the ground. She turned her head over to the side as she tried to see what was on top of her, but she immediately knew was it was when it growled at her.

      The creature pointed a spear at her face and she closed her eyes in fear, thinking this was the end. This is how she was going to die. By some "thing" that Eric and Phillip were hunting down.

      Then out of nowhere she felt the weight come off of her back and she quickly opened her eyes. Bliss turned around to see the creature in full daylight.

      It had a mask covering its face, dreads covering its head, armor and a fishnet on its body, and weapons hanging off of its side and back. Bliss gasped and backed away as the creature growled and began to look around at the trees.

     Bliss looked at it confused wondering what was it looking for till she heard a familiar hiss. She smiled and looked up at the tree she was beside and saw Singh hiding in the leaves.

      Singh looked down at her and he hissed quietly at her, but not quiet enough. The creature turned towards her and walked towards her, making her body freeze in fear.

     Singh backed further into the tree as the creature walked towards Bliss. It stopped inches in front of her and she looked up at its masked face with fear flowing through her body.

    The creature then brought his hand up to his mask and pulled something out of the side which made a hissing noise. It then slowly took of his mask.

    Bliss slowly looked back up at the creature and she widened her eyes. It had pale brown skin with light spots, mandibles on the side of its mouth, but what caught her attention was its bright green eyes.

     Bliss heard Singh growl and as the creature laid a hand on her shoulder, Singh pounced at it. Bliss quickly backed away as the creature fell onto the ground.

     The creature threw Singh off of him and he roared at him. Bliss quickly ran towards Singh, "Oh my God," she said as she saw green blood on the side of his body and she knew he had a wound.

      Bliss was about to touch it before she remembered he had acid blood due to the sizzling sound when a drop it a leaf. She quickly looked up to see the creature flare out its mandibles and take out his spear, which he probably grabbed out of the tree when he chased her.

      As it was about to throw it, Bliss stood in front of it and outstretched her hands making it stop and look down at her. "Don't you dare hurt my father." She said with venom and she could tell it had confusion due to its eyes looking at her then back at Singh.

      Singh slowly got up and he hissed at the creature. Bliss looked back at him and smiled seeing that he was okay. She looked back at the creature as he slowly put the spear away.

       Bliss slowly lowered her hands and nodded at it. "Good now I'm going to need you to answer some questions." She said and the creature growled. "First, what the hell are you?"

I'm back baby!! Sorry for the very very long wait but like I promised! When I finished my Jurassic World fanfic, I immediately went to working on this again!

And I decided from a lot of people asking me to put a Yautja in my story, I chose to put one in it!

Anywho! I will now go back on writing this and maybe, finish it after all this time!

And if you haven't known already! I just published a new book and it's a Alien Isolation fanfic!

Go check that out if you're interested and I shall see you in the next chapter!

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