Epilogue and Chapter 1

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Ebott City was once a thriving place for humans to live. Sadly, after a plague, humans began to abandon the once majestic city. Not long after that a human war broke out. It spread far and wide with it's destruction causing more than half of the human population to be wiped out during this time. As time went on and the war ended, humans began anew, but not without hardship. Surviving became difficult, thieves and scavengers ran rampant, taking all they could. Food, water, and women mostly, but they weren't above taking material items. Then word spread that monsters from the urban legend began to appear from the underground. Humans being fearful of the unknown started a new war. More death and destruction consumed the lands. Eventually, the Human/Monster war became a faded memory to most humans and monsters. Fear still present between the two species kept them from coexisting happily.

Afterwards monster used their magic to purify the plague that still lingered within Ebott City. They began taking up residency in the abandoned buildings. A magic dome was erected around the city to keep out the dangers of the monsters new start.

~Present Day~

Frisk walked out onto the balcony where a frustrated Sans sat on the railing smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. "So this is where you've been hiding." He laughed. Sans sighed and growled never taking his sockets off the city below him. "What's eating you, Lazybones?" Frisk asked leaning against the rail beside Sans gazing out over the city. Sans snickered under his breath quietly. "It's nothin' kid. Don't worry 'bout it." Frisk raised an eyebrow. "Sans, something must be wrong. You didn't even make a comeback... and you've smoked a whole pack of cigarettes. That's not like you." Frisk said, as he turned his gaze towards his friend. Sans sighed knowing how determined Frisk could be. Slumping his shoulders he said, "It's this strange feeling in my soul. Ever since we left the underground it's been pullin' me in a direction ever since. Yesterday, I followed it ta the dome. Wherever it was leadin' me ta is beyond it." He looked to his long time friend. Frisk gave him a thoughtful look before replying. "If it's bothering you so much, why not find out what it could be? It's not like you'll be gone forever, right?" Sans growled looking back over the city. "I can't leave Paps ta patrol the whole city by himself and plus I have my own jobs ta do." Frisk sighed and propped his elbow on the rail leaning his chin on his open palm. "Are you making up excuses now? Sans it's been peaceful for a while now. Paps can handle the patrols and as for you jobs, your rarely there anyway." Frisk's eyes widened and a smirk spread across his face. "Are ya scared to find out what it is?" He then asked Sans as they looked at each other. Sans growled looking away, "I'm not scared of anything! Your just bein' delusional." Frisk gasped and laughed before saying, "You are, Lazybones! What's there tibia afraid of? Just give it some thought and I'll support your decision." "Frisk! It's time to come home." Toriel called from below the balcony. "Coming mom!" Frisk called back. "Guess I've gotta go. Seriously though think about it and let Paps know so he doesn't get upset." "Yeah, yeah kid." Sans said as he waved him off. Sans watched Frisk join Toriel down below. Frisk then looked up and waved before walking away heading home with Toriel by his side. Sans sat there for a few more minutes before teleporting home.

"SANS! I'M HOME!!" Papyrus called out, walking through the front door. "Oh hey Paps. How was patrol?" Sans asked glancing his way. "BORING AS USUAL." Papyrus growled, making his way to the kitchen. Pots and pans began clanging around singaling that the evening meal was being prepared. "Yo Paps.." Sans said, sitting down at the island counter. "WHAT IS IT SANS?" Papyrus grumbled glancing his way. "I-I was thinkin' 'bout taking a trip outside the dome." Sans nervously glanced towards his brother. "WHY ON ABOVEGROUND WOULD YOU DO THAT? WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED HERE!" Papyrus growled slinging the spaghetti sauce spoon. Spaghetti sauce splattered across the wall like a murder scene. Papyrus frowned turning back to stir the sauce. "Aww.. come on Paps. It's not like I'll be gone forever. It's like ya said it's borin' and nothin' has happened lately." Sans said, tapping a boney finger against the counter top. "SANS YOU CAN NOT LEAVE! WHAT ABOUT YOUR JOBS?" Papyrus growled, slinging more sauce with his hand gestures. Sans cringed when sauce splattered in his direction, some hitting his cheek bone. "I'm hardly ever there anyway so it's not like people will be upset." Sans said sighing. "THAT'S BECAUSE OUR A LAZYBONES! IF YOU'D DEDICATE YOURSELF TO YOUR JOBS LIKE YOU DEDICATE YOURSELF TO YOUR LAZINESS YOU'D BE MUCH HAPPIER WITH WHAT YOU HAVE HERE!" Sauce was everywhere now after Papyrus' rant. Sans sighed, by now it was pointless convincing his brother to let him go. "I'm going whether you say so or not." Sans growled. He didn't want to fight with his brother, he only wanted him not to worry. Papyrus turned glaring at Sans, stomped over to the counter slamming his hands down on the counter top. "YOUR NOT GOING AND THAT'S FINAL!" "WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL 'BOUT ME TAKIN' A TRIP OUTSIDE THE DOME?" Sans growled not back down, slamming his own hands down on the counter top while standing up to glare back at Papyrus. Heavy breathing could be heard as the glaring contest continued. Papyrus growled, he'd never seen Sans so passionate about anything. 'MAYBE A CHANGE OF PACE FOR HIM WILL SHOW HIM HOW GOOD HE HAS IT HERE.' Papyrus thought before sighing in defeat. "FINE!! BUT I'M ONLY GIVING YOU TWO WEEKS! AFTER THAT I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN MYSELF! I'LL DRAG YOU BACK IF I HAVE TOO!" Papyrus grumbled before returning to finish their meal.

After eating, Sans excused himself to prepare for his journey. He checked his camera and made sure he had plenty of refill exposures. He also placed a change of clothes in a pack then set it beside the door to his room. He then went to the bathroom and scanned over the bathroom products. 'Do I really need to take any of these items?' he thought glancing in the mirror. He noticed the spaghetti sauce on his cheek bone. His eye sockets widened and he grasped the sides of the sink, breathing heavily. A memory from the Human/Monster war replayed in his head. He quickly turned on the water to scrub his face. Shakily, he grabbed a hand towel and dried the water from his face. He took a deep breath before taking a towel, wash rag, and body wash to place inside his pack. Deciding to pick up food supplies on the way out of the city, he was finally ready. He laid down on his bed only to toss and turn. He growled getting up and moved to his desk. Taking a couple pieces of paper and a pen, he wrote two notes. One for Papyrus and the other for Frisk. Picking up his pack and camera he headed down stairs to the kitchen. He laid the note for Papyrus on the island counter, then searched for some food items that wouldn't spoil on him. When he thought he had enough he placed them in his pack, then teleported to Frisk's room to leave his note on his night stand. Sans then teleported to the spot that feeling took him to a couple days ago and walked through the dome. The feeling was slowly becoming stronger with every step he took.

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