Chapter 1

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Once on a cold winter day, it was Christmas Eve and everyone all over Domino City has been getting ready for the holidays. People are bustling their way back to their homes to get back home to their families. Everyone all over town pass by each other as they say "Merry Christmas" to one another and around every corner.

"Merry Christmas to you friend!"

"Same to you! You working tonight?"

"Nah, it's Christmas Eve. I'm heading straight home after I'm done plowing snow!"

About all the stores were about ready to close except for one that is still open and it is the Kaiba Corporation. Inside of the building, there are workers getting the last pieces of paperwork done. However, there was one man who was running this entire business and that man was 24-year-old Seto Kaiba. Kaiba has been the President of Kaiba Corp ever since he took down his father at the age of ten along with his little brother Mokuba and then he stepped in as the new president of the company. Kaiba was now in his office filling out paperwork on employees in his company until he heard a knock on the door.

"Come on in" he said.

As the door opened, it revealed to be a man with long gray hair that covered one eye, a red suit, and a jolly attitude who was none other than Maximilian Pegasus and he was very happy to see Kaiba.

"Greetings Kaiba-boy. Aren't you glad to see me?" he said.

"Not likely Pegasus. Just because you and I are partners of different companies doesn't give you the right to barge in my office like this." said Kaiba.

"True, but since you and I are in this company together, I think it's best that you take a break from all that hard work and have some fun."

"Yeah right, when pigs fly..." Kaiba retorted.

"Oh, come now Kaiba, your employees have worked very hard and they deserve a break and so should you." said Pegasus as he laughed with glee as Kaiba slammed his hands onto the table.

"ENOUGH! I will not be ordered around to let my employees go home early on Christmas Eve and I won't have you telling me how to do my job. Now, unless there is anything business related, I suggest you leave." Kaiba yelled.

"Very well Mr. Scrooge, I shall respect your wishes. Ta-Ta.." As Pegasus said that, he left right out the door and headed straight to the elevator. While he was on his way, he spotted a blonde/black spiky-haired man with amethyst eyes in a blue suit and black tie.

"Yami-boy, my favorite customer, how are you? How's your family?" he said.

"Fine, I was about to be on my way back to them after I'm done here. I just have to bring Kaiba the completed papers on duel disc shipping and I'll be on my way home." said Yami.

"Then, you best get back home to them, Yami-boy." said Pegasus as he entered the elevator. "And Yami, Merry Christmas!" He waved to him goodbye as the elevator doors closed heading to the ground floor.

As Yami watched him go, he entered Kaiba's office without knocking and said to him "Excuse me Kaiba, but I have finished all the shipping forms that will go out to all the senders before midnight."

"Excellent, now leave Yami. I'm not paying you to look pretty." said Kaiba.

"Kaiba, you only pay me once a month." Yami replied.

"Exactly, that's why you always beat me in you ridiculous card games. When it should be me that should be the number one duelist." said Kaiba.

"You think I make more money by winning duels, Kaiba? I have a wife and son at home who expects me to provide for them. My wife Tea who I have been married for five years. And my son Yugi. Kaiba, with all due respect, I think that I should have my pay be once a week like everyone else." said Yami, but Kaiba didn't even take a thought about that and replied to him

A very Kaiba ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now