6️⃣➖Fc X Shu

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Art By: mer.jelly


Aaron heard sniffles behind the door and someone talking.

"Why... Why is this happening to me?"

Le flashback

"Aphmau why are you doing this? You know that Laurence and I have a crush on you and you just did this!" Garroth yelled at Aphmau and she started to cry.

"You know that we have feelings for you and we kissed you and now this?!" Laurence said and Aphmau just cried more.

"HE'S JUST MY FRIEND AND WHAT IF I DATE HIM NO ONE HAS A WORD ON ME! I love you guys AS friends so please don't make these feelings ruin our friendship." Aphmau yelled and they both stayed silent.

"Aphmau Aaron's a monster and-"

"STOP! Stop judging people without knowing them first! Stop this." Aphmau said then ran away with tears in her eyes from the people she trusted and now she doesn't know how she'll talk to them again.

End of flashback

"Why are you crying?" Aaron asked whoever was behind the door, but she then stopped sniffing.

"I just have a lot going on right now.. And there's no one I can talk to." She cried again.

"Then is there anyone in this world. Anyone?" Aaron asked her.

Then Aphmau pulled out her phone and texted Fc.


Fc? Are you there.

Shu? Are you okay?

No... I'm broken. By the people that I
thought they are my friends but they
just want to force me in a relationship
that I don't want to be in.

Do you love them as friends?

Yes I do.

Then talk it out with them.

I did but... Still.

Then take a break from this
friendship until they figure
out what they've done.

Aphmau kept hearing another ding whenever she sends a massage to Fc.

Shu... Did you hear that?

Aphmau heard three knocks on the door and she got startled.

Did you knock on a door?

Yes I did.

WHAT?! I'll knock three times.

Aphmau knocked three times then looked at her phone again.

Shu... You're behind this door.

That means...

The door opened, revealing Aaron.

His black hair and his midnight eyes that Aphmau got lost in.

"You?!" Aphmau said as Aaron just stood there speechless.

"I don't know what to say." Aaron said and Aphmau started to cry.

"How can I believe that you're Fc?" Aphmau said and ran into his practice room and sat on the wooden stool.

Aaron sat on the ground, "Ask me anything. Anything Fc would know." Aaron said as tears started to stream down his face.

"When's my birthday?"

"October 16."

"What's my favorite color?"


"What is my role in our game?"

"You're a healer, you're my healer. You're the only one who goes into dungeons with me."

"You are Fc."

Aaron stood up and hugged Aphmau.

"Please give me a second chance. I've been a jerk to everyone please I need a second chance." Aaron said and Aphmau hugged him back.

"Thanks for being by my side Fc."

*starts eating S'mores*

Phoenix Drop High School Season 1: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now