Joshifer: I Always Have

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The alarm on my phone goes off, beeping and beeping over and over, until I grab it and turn it off. I lay in bed until I process that I actually have to get up. I have interviews and a photo shoot for Catching Fire today with the whole cast. I press the home button on my phone and it reveals my lock screen. It's a picture of Nick and I. He's kissing my cheek and I'm laughing. Suddenly, my phone vibrates and I receive a text. I'm pleased to see it's from Josh. I haven't seen him since the premieres.

Josh: Would you like to go for breakfast before we leave? My treat!

I smile as I read this.

Jennifer: Of course! Pick me up in 20 minutes?

Josh: I'll see you then!

I get up to prepare for the event. My hair's curled and my makeup looks good. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, a white sheer top, and brown wedges. I hear a knock on my door. When I open it, I smile as I jump on Josh. "I missed you so much!" I say. "I missed you too!" He replies. "Ready?" "Yeah, let me just get my phone and bag." I say. I take my phone off the counter and it shows that I have a new message from Nick.

Nick: Have fun today, and don't do anything stupid. Love and miss you, and I'll talk to you later!

I shut it off, completely ignoring it. Sure I feel bad, but I really would like to focus on the movie today.

Josh and I walk to the restaurant, talking about our lives, laughing, just like we always do. I feel so comfortable around him. He's always there for me, and can always put a smile on my face. At breakfast, we order a bunch of food obviously. There's pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, French toast, coffee. We have the best times together. I guess now would be a good time to reply to Nick.

Jennifer: I will, sand I'm not going to make any promises! Love you too!

When we finish eating, we head to Josh's car. It takes about 15 minutes to get to the place where the interview and photo shoot is. When we arrive, the first person we see is Liam. I haven't seen him in so long either, and it feels so good to be reunited. We walk into the building to see Sam, Jena, Lenny, Woody, Elizabeth, Jeffery, Willow, and Francis. After saying our hi to everyone, Josh says, "Everyone, I would like to have you all over for dinner tonight, to catch up since we haven't seen each other in a while." This makes me extremely excited.

The interviewer first calls in Josh and I to do an interview with the two of us. As they continue to asks questions, the same question we always get pops up. The girl asks, "Josh, there's a lot of kissing in this movie, how good of a kisser is Jennifer?" Josh replies, "Besides the one bad wet kiss, she's like a... 9/10." This is the first time in a long time Josh has said something good about my kissing, since we hade one wet kiss because I was crying. "Jen, what is it like working with someone you're so close with?" Asks the other interviewer. "Josh and I, I mean we have the best times. He's my best friend and no matter how I'm feeling he'll always make me laugh. He's so funny, and he's really smart." Josh looks at me and smiles.

The interviews and photo shoot ends, and everyone meets at Josh's house. Elizabeth, Sam, and Lenny take over the kitchen. Josh, Liam and I sit on Josh's bed. We like to look at bad paparazzi pictures of ourselves because they're just very funny. "Liam, can you help me with something on my phone, Willow and I are trying to do something!" Jena says. Liam gets up and goes to help. He's surprisingly really good with tech stuff. Josh and I are looking at the pictures when out of nowhere Nick texts me.

Nick: We need to talk, can you call me?

I tell Josh, and he lets me have a few minutes. I dial Nick's number and he picks up. "Hey." He says. "Hi, what's up?" I ask. I'm shaking. I know what's coming. "Listen, babe, I don't feel anything anymore. I think it'd be better if we weren't together. This doesn't mean we can't talk." I reply, "Okay, I understand, I can't really talk right now, but I'll call you soon."

I hang up and put my phone on Josh's bed. "Jen?" Josh asks. He slowly opens the door. I'm sitting there, blankly. What just happened? In a way, I'm heartbroken, but another part of me is relieved. Josh sits behind me and hugs me. A tear is streaming down my cheek. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him. "I'm really sorry Jen, I know how it feels. I promise you, it will get better. It needs time." Josh says. He makes me feel incredibly safe. I turn around to face him. He puts his hand on my cheek, wiping away the tear. "Thank you Josh." I say, "For everything." "You don't have to thank me, I just hate seeing you upset. I look him in the eye. I take his hand, which is bigger than mine. Again, this makes me feel safe. He takes my face in his hand, and the next thing I know our lips are met. I don't plan on pulling away any time soon. This is what I've wanted. I just haven't realized it until now. Josh is so gentle, the way his head touches mine when we pause. "Why don't we go in with the others, it'll make you feel better."

When I walk into the other room, I think everyone can tell what has happened. Liz walks up to me with Jena and says, "Who needs him, right. You're better than that" To be honest, this doesn't really phase me. I have a smile on my face. I want to make the best of tonight with the people that truly matter a lot to me. We eat dinner, which consists of salad, pasta, chicken, and garlic bread. Desert is Jeffery's homemade chocolate cheesecake.

After dinner, people start to leave, until I'm left alone with Josh. I lay curled up beside him on his bed. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" He asks. I turn towards him and wrap my arm around his waist while we lay in his bed. "Yes." I say. He gets up and stands at his dresser. He returns with a big T-Shirt. I don't even care at this point, I'm close enough with Josh, we both like each other, so I take my shirt and pants off, taking off everything but my bra and underwear. I unclip my bra and put the shirt on. He takes his shirt off and we get into his bed. His warmth brings back that safety. Our lips meet again, only this time more passionate. He climbs on top of me, kissing my neck. If I could freeze any moment, it'd be this one right here. I love Joshua Ryan Hutcherson. "I love you Jen." he says "I've waited for you forever." "I love you too, I always have." I say. It's true. I always have loved Josh. Always

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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