23 | A Brother's Guilt

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The summer heat was almost more than I could tolerate.

It crept under the woolen weave of my suit, soaking my collar in perspiration until I could feel its damp press against my neck. Kings above and below, how I hated that ridiculous suit. The deli's thin, weatherworn awning did little to block the midday sun's assault, and dust from the wheels of passing carriages stung my nose.

I flared the newspaper out and balanced an ankle upon my knee, content to read the mortal drivel for now. Splashed across the top was the day's date and location: New York, July fourteenth, 1911.

The women in their long skirts passing by paused and giggled behind their hands, pointing me out to their friends with many elbow jabs and discreet poking.

"Isn't he handsome?"  

"My word, yes."  

"Oh, Angie, we should go in and have a bite. Maybe he'll come over and introduce himself?"

"Yes, let's...." 

I lifted the newspaper, effectively blocking my view of the avenue—and the avenue's view of me. I wished Johann would hurry, but my host always enjoyed making his slave wait.

"Just as popular with mortal women as ever I see, Darius."

Someone settled across the table and I glanced in their direction. Sethan removed his hat and the faux-eyeglasses he wore, watching the brazen society women from the corner of his eye as I did. His blue tie was loose and his cheeks were unshaven, giving my brother a rakish appearance I'm sure the women found just as appealing. 

"Like turkeys in the rain," I replied, turning a page of the paper. "They'll move on soon or drown in their own stupidity." 

Sethan chuckled as he beckoned the waiter over and asked for a water. The sunrays piercing the worn spots in the awning glinted upon his disheveled hair in red highlights as Sethan ran a hand through it. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows, baring lean forearms. There were pink spots underneath the patchy scruff of his beard, as if he'd been scratching at the skin. He'd worked himself into a fervor about some issue, no doubt, which wasn't something new but was definitely something taxing on my nerves.

How he managed to serve a host while being so obsessed with all his projects, I'd never know.

"King's breath, it's hot," he complained, yanking at his shirt's front until a few of the buttons came undone. The vapid chattering happening across the patio on the avenue grew louder as a few others joined in.

"Remember propriety, brother," I stated as I fought to keep my annoyance from showing. "Or you'll have half their husbands banging on your door, looking for a fight."

Sethan grinned and I did too, showing teeth too sharp to belong to a mortal. Breaking the jaw of some sappy human male may have been in poor spirit, but it was certainly a great stress reliever. 

"What brings you to New York?" I asked, folding the paper and stowing it on another wire seat. "I thought you were in the old country still, harassing scientists."  

Sethan harrumphed and again scratched at his face. "Can I not come and harass my brother instead?"

"My harassment is simply a byproduct of your impromptu visits, Sethan, whether that is your intention or not." I picked over the meal on my plate as the waiter returned with my brother's water. "Why are you here?"

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