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That  evening it  rained  heavily, Cherie  stood  gazing  out  the  window  into  the  rain  drops. She  had  never  questioned  the  neighbourhood. It  was  quiet  most  of  the  time  as  the  building  stood  alone  in  Matilda  Street. The  nearest  neighbouring  apartment  sets  about  ten  miles  far  south  where there's more  people  seen, cars  and  other  transportation  driving  around  the  small  town. But  here, she  could  only  see  trees, wild bushes  and  more  trees. Random  teens  would  walk  by  the  apartment  once  in  a  while  going  toward  a  lake  which  Cherie  had  heard  of  but  had  never  been  there  before. Her  troubled  mind  swayed  her  thoughts  back  to  the  night  before. That  woman. The  creature. Oh, God. What  happened? Is  this  place  haunted? Cherie  asked  within  herself.

She  is  frightened  and  numb. Fright  caught  her  sanity  with  the  horrific  yet  surreal  incident  last  night. The  numbness  she  feels  is  not  of  skin  deep  intuition  but  it  is  more  than  that. She  had  told  Neha  everything  she  could  have  possibly  remembered  and  she  told  her  friend  the truth. But  Neha  was  skeptical. However,  Neha  offered  to  accompany  her  for  a  few  days  as  promised. Neha  sensed  Cherie  had  been physically  abused, that's  the  truth  but  the  creature mentioned  by  Cherie  is  not  acceptable  to  Neha's  perception. There  must  be  a  logical  explanation  and  she  is  there  to  prove  it  to  Cherie.  

As  Cherie  pondered  by  the  window, thuds at  the door  surprised  her. From  the  kitchen  entrance, Neha  popped  her  head. Her  eyebrows  lifted  as the  thuds continued, she  looked  at  Cherie  and  waited  for  her  friend  to  make  the  move. They  both  froze  for  no  reason.


" This  is  Haska. I'm  here  to  return  the  tools." A  husky  voice  spoke from behind  the  door.

" Coming. Give  me  a  minute." Finally  Cherie  answered.

Neha  watched  her  friend  walked  towards  the  door. The  door  went  ajar  and  Neha  saw  a  guy, she  stood  by  the  kitchen  entrance  and  waited.

" Sorry  to  keep  you  waiting."  Cherie  spoke  politely. She  tried  not  to  look  him  in  the  eyes. She tried  to  avoid  the  bruise  on  her  face  to  be  seen  as  she  faced  Haska  sideway.

"Nah. It's okay. Here's  your  tool  box." Haska  smiled.

She  took  the  box  from  Haska. She  refrained  her  eyes  from  meeting  Haska's  eyes  but  somehow  there's  a  feeling   deep  in  her   chest  which strongly  urged  her  to  look  at  him. Just  one  look. One  glance. To hell with the  bruise! Look  at  him! A  voice  deep  inside  yelled. And  she  looked  at  him. They  both  were  silent. Their  eyes  finally  met. Haska  was  calm  as  he  gaze at  Cherie, his  heart  pounded  fast  as  he  stood  before  her. A  feeling  he  once  knew  overcame  him  again.  An  emotion  he  has  long  forgotten  where  he  left  it  in  the  depth  of  his  past. What  was  it? Then  it  touch  him  like  a  gentle  breeze  from  the  ocean. Serene  and  strong. It  was  the  passion  for  love. To  be  loved. Again. It  was  beyond  his  control  and  his  heart  had  fell  for  her. 

" Well. Hello, Mister  Tough  Guy!" Neha greeted  aloud  as  she  pulled  Cherie  away  from  the  door. It  wasn't  a  friendly  tone  she  gave  Haska  but  instead  it  sounded  more  undiscerning.  

" YOU! You  did  this  to  her?" Neha  pointed  her  finger  towards  Cherie.

" Neha, it  is  not  him." Cherie  tried  to  assure  her  friend.

" What? What  do you mean?"  Neha  exclaimed  in  disbelief.

" I saw  you, Cherie. The  way  you  were  standing  infront  of  him. Something  is  not  right  here."

" Neha, it's  not  like  what  you  think..." Cherie  tried  again.

" Then  what  is, Cherie? " Neha  snapped. 

" I'll  tell  you  later, okay. Now,  get  inside. Please." She  assured  Neha  whom  left  her  soon  after.

"Hey, wait. " Cherie  halts  Haska  when  she  saw  him  leaving. He  turned.

" Sorry  'bout  that." She  apologized. 

"I  understand. She's  just..."  He  paused. " She's  just  being  a  good  friend."

" She's  all  I  have..."  Told  Cherie. " She  is  more  than  a  friend  to  me."

Haska  took  a  deep  breath  and  exhaled. He  knew  all  about  her. He  had  saw  her  past  the  moment  he  touch  her  face  when  she  was  unconscious. Her  destiny had brought  sympathy  to  Haska's  heart ,his  energy  could  only  bring  him  that  far, he  could  see  the  present  and  the  past  but  not  the  future. It  is  a  gift  from  the  Creator.

Some  of  his  kind  had  the  same  gift  as  him, some  had  more  intriguing  gifts  far  more  special  than  himself  but  not  all  of  them  use  it  wisely  or  with  care. Just  like  humans, they  too  yearned  for  power  and  ambitioned  for  thousands  of  years  to  conquer  earth  but  the  creator  had  destined  otherwise.

" I'll  see you  around  soon." Haska spoke, he  smiled  and  began  to  walk  away. 

Cherie  closed  the  door  and  leaned  her  back  against  it. An  impish  smile  curved  her  lips. An  image  played  in  her  mind, she saw  herself  in  his  arms  as  he  gaze  into  her  eyes  like  a  prince  helding  his  princess  with  absolute  love  and  eternal  flame  of  passion  devouring  their  atmosphere. 

" OH  MY  GOD!" Neha  exclaimed. "Did  you  just  blushed?"

" He's  kinda  cute, don't  you  think?" Cherie inquired.

" Yeah. So, he's  got  nothing  to  do  with  this?" Neha  wasn't  interested  in  Haska  instead  she  needed  answers  to  the  bruises  on  Cherie's  face.

" No! I  told  you, Neha. I  was  attacked  by  a  ghost  and  it  is  a  She." Cherie  claimed.

" For  real, Cher. I'm  staying  here  for  the  time  being  and  I'm  gonna  prove  you  that  there  is  no  such  thing  as  ghost." Neha  tone  was  stern.

"It's  real." Cherie stated.

" Whatever. We'll  see." Neha confirmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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