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Hey guys,

So, I know I haven't updated in like a week. It's because my parents are dragging me to go outside and all that. (when gamers go outside bad things happen)

Then we got mulch for our house and I spent hours helping them place down the mulch. Apart from that, my dad was home and he doesn't need to know about my novels and all that.

Another reason is mainly other life things. I just got back from the waterpark with my friend and I was able to put up a short chapter on my Sidemen story. That's another reason why. I'm working on the final chapter on the book!!

Ive been writing since I was 9, just simple novels, mainly about me and my life. Then I was inspired to write fanfictions and all that. Fun fact, I have never actually finished any of the books I have written in real life!!

Maybe I should post those to here.. I have almost all the youtubers you can name!! But after I finish my Sidemen book, I will be full time here and maybe work on another story. If your wondering how the chapters are getting so long, well, I'm writing them in Word and then doing the copy and paste . IT's faster, and I can easily spot mistakes. But for this letter, I'm  actually using the website.

Any ideas on new books? FaZe Romances? Name any other youtuber you think I should do a novel on. I'm thinking of others and getting ideas from my friends and all that.

Like I said, I am so sorry I haven't been updating. I will be done with the Sidemen novel hopefully by tonight. (if I don't pass out!!)

See you guys VERY VERY soon,


(is it weird that I am listening to some song in Spanish and it's 9:30???) (#iamnightowl)

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