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Another one of the keybros, this ones way longer because I just have so much I want to get down, and I know it will still be really bad so sorry

Collins P.O.V
I was getting bored. Devan wasn't home from school yet and he wouldn't be for a while. Mom and dad were both at work, and I had nothing to do. I had already binge watched the office and I think I ate out the entire house.

Sighing I looked at my phone which read 1:35. Devan would be getting out in about 20 minutes and home in about 40 because for some reason he took about 20 minutes to get home while when I was still at school it would only take us about 10.

    I needed to do something, if I didn't Devan would come home to find a completely destroyed house.

    "I could go to the school to get Devan for no reason...well besides getting me out of this house before I destroy it." I look at my phone again, 1:38 if I'm gonna go I need to get ready now.

    Running upstairs I change out of the pajamas I have been wearing all day and put on some decent clothes. Then I go to the bathroom and comb my hair and put some gel in it.

    1:42, I still had time if I wanted to walk to the school.

    Grabbing my phone and the house key I walk out the door, lock the door behind me and start walking to the high school.

Devans P.O.V
    School was ssooooo boring! I swear these classes are going to be the death of me! Well...actually THEY would take care of my death if these classes didn't do it first.

    Agonizingly I watch the minutes tick by and think of a way I could possibly avoid them today.

    Finally the bell rings, which is good and bad.

    As I'm putting my things away, making sure to take my time, I get a text from Collins.

    "Hey bro. I'm at the quad waiting for you b/c I think I'll eat out the entire house if I stay there any longer...that or I'll tear it down with my bare hands;)"

   I chuckle at the text. That definitely   sounds like my brother.

    "Cool, I'll be there asap" I text back and feel hope flicker in my chest. Maybe I could get out of here alright today.

Collins P.O.V
    After I text Devan I sit down to wait. Lots of people are passing by without a second glance. Some ask for pictures and signatures though, which I happily give. I love my keypers. I keep an eye out for Devan the whole time but he doesn't show.

    Finally after the majority of people have left and all the fans have left to catch their rides or walk home I look around for Devan.

    "He's still not here. I just texted him though. What could possibly be taking him so long?" Sighing I call Devan this time because Devan can't stand missing calls.

    The phone rings and rings but he doesn't answer. Deciding not to leave a voicemail I give up for a bit and sit back down. "I'll try again in a few minutes. Maybe he's talking to a teacher...for 15 minutes..."

    Finally I see him hurrying towards me and stand up. As he gets closer I see him wiping his face, like he's been crying.

Devan P.O.V
    As I walk out of the classroom I decide to go around the long back way to the quad.

    I don't want to keep Collins waiting that long but I've got to avoid them.

    "What am I going to tell Collins for already being this late?" I know I need to think up some excuse. "I'll tell him I got held up by a teacher about an assignment." That's got to keep him off my back.

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