My Decision

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I decide not to tell Doctor Kyle about my dream. What if it was a sign? I think about all the things I want to do in my life. If the dream was true, then I would never get to do those things. I think for awhile. If the dream is true, then I'll be labeled as mental or insane. I don't want to spend the rest of my life being jeered at or worse, in a mental asylum. I refrain from writing down the dream in the journal. Rather, I make up a really sappy story about meeting a drop dead gorgeous guy and write it down as my dream. I'm still writing when a nurse comes in with food.

"Excuse me," I ask, "could you please tell me what time it is? I took a nap and there is no clock in this room so I have no idea what time it is."

"Of course sweetie", she says, "it's 5:00 pm. I brought you your dinner. Are you allergic to anything?"

"No, I'm not", I reply, "thank you for bringing me food. I'm starving. When will Doctor Kyle come to talk to me again?"

"Dr. Kyle will come and speak to you after dinner.", she says, "Bon Apetite." She walks out of the room, locking the door behind her. Curiosity and hunger bring me over to the food. It looks very boring. There is a plate of some kind of meat, mashed potatoes, and carrots. There is orange juice to drink. I see a smaller plate of what must be dessert. It's jello. I sit down to eat. While eating, I think of ways to fool Dr. Kyle into thinking that I'm normal. How will I fool him and everyone else that I don't see Recondites? What will I say to explain those times when I did? I finally decide to say that I've had a rough few weeks at school. Then, to make my lie more believable, I'll pretend to have a crush on this guy that I know from camp last year. That'll probably make me seem normal. I'll say that I'm trying out for all honors classes next year. As I finish my jello, Dr. Kyle walks in.

"Why hello Mercy," he says, "how was the food?"

"Pretty bland if you ask me," I reply, "but I had a really refreshing nap. I haven't sleep well in weeks." I say to plant the seed of my lie.

"Oh," he says, "what hasn't permitted you from sleeping well?"

"I've had a lot on my mind," I reply casually, "I have a ton of homework and lots of projects in school. I'm trying to get into all honors classes, and it requires a lot of work."

"So did you dream?", he asks.

"Yes I did. I actually wrote it down in the journal," I reply, pointing to the table on which the journal is placed. He walks over to the table and picks up the journal. He then starts reading my entry about the dream I made up.

"A gorgeous guy asked you to dance at a beach party?" he asks, one eyebrow raised as he looks at me, "and then he took you to the dock and kissed you?"

"Ummm," I start to say, blushing crazily to deceive him even more, "it's not just a random guy. It's this guy that I have a crush on, Jake. I met him at summer camp."

"I'd like to take you outside so you can tell me if you see anymore people," he changes the topic.

"Ok," I say, "fine with me." He then motions for me to follow him. We walk down a series of hallways again but this time, instead of ending up in the waiting room, we end up outside. I see a few people. Now that I pay attention, I see that some of the people are kind of translucent. They glow a little. I make a wild guess and think that those people are probably Recondites, so I shouldn't mention seeing them.

"Point to the people you see," Dr. Kyle says. I point to the people that are not translucent and glowing.

"Are those the only people you see?" He asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"Ok then," he says, "I'll take you inside. You have the rest of the evening to yourself. I'll take you outside again tomorrow. You can catch up on more of your sleep."

"Thank you Doctor," I say, smiling, "may I ask when will breakfast be served?"

"At 9:00 am." he replies, "but I'll tell the nurse to give you some fruit in case you get hungry." He motions for me to follow him. We go through a series of hallways and end up in my room.

"Goodnight Mercy." Dr. Kyle says, with a smile on his face.

"Goodnight Doctor." I say, smiling back at him. He walks out and locks the door. I let out a long breath. It worked. Now I just have to do the same thing for two more days before I can leave. Then, I have to make my parents believe it was all a mistake. I wonder if I will be able to do this everyday. How hard can it be? I think, before I fall asleep.

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