Chapter 4: Tori's POV

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I wake up to a shaking bed. My eyes shoot wide open, expecting the worst. When my own bright blue eyes me a pair of brown ones I groan and cover my face with the flimsy pillow.

"Tori! Tori! Tori! Tori!" The non stop yelling was giving me a head ache. Why wasn't anyone else telling Sam to shut up? How early was it?

"I hope you know that because you have awoken the monster this early in the morning, you better be prepared to face the wrath." I sat up and gave Sam a pointed look.

She laughed a little, probably at my hair which was sticking up in all directions. Stupid hair. How am I supposed to look menacing when I look like a balloon was rubbed against the blond locks hanging in my face?

"I know. I just want know what happened." She paused. "And the other girls won't wake up."

I hopped out of bed and staggered from the blood rushing to my head. Once I could see clearly again I grabbed my pillow and started beating Tanya and Ana while repeatedly yelling "Get up!" in their ears.

"Now they're up." I looked over and smiled an evil smile at Sam.

Sam immediately hopped over on Tanya's bed where Ana sat too. "Tell me everything. Was it really who I think it was? Did he carry me up here? What did he say about me? Does he hate me for running into him? Did you say anything? Did Tori bite him?" In rapid fire Sam spurted out her questions in an almost foreign sounding language.

Tanya and Ana laughed at the last one while I laid in my bed. To me it was a perfectly reasonable question.

"Let's see..." Ana started.

"Yes, we'll tell you everything. Maybe, if you were thinking Niall Horan. Yes, bridal style. He said you fainted. No. Not really. And, um, no." Tanya retorted just as fast.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Sam fell back onto the bed.

"Oh yeah, and he gave Tori his room number. He told us to tell you to go to his room so that he could properly introduce himself." Ana quipped.

This sent Sam flying over to my bed where I was drifting off to sleep quite comfortably.

"Where is it?"

Too lazy to get up I just told her to look in my jeans that were on the floor next to my bed. Tanya got up to go get it before Sam could even move an inch.

I heard a faint "Found it!" and stomping feet headed towards the bathroom.

"Aw, Sam. You're so lucky." Ana said while I finally drifted off into dreamland where there weren't One Direction obsessed fan girls.

A good half an hour later Sam barged into the room smiling like a weirdo. I had given up on sleep after a while and just sat on the window sill, one foot hanging off, listening to my music and reading.

"You'll never guess what."

I took the earphones out so I could hear what the important news was.

"What?" The three of us asked in unison.

"We get to lounge in on One Direction rehearsals." Ana and Tanya gasped while I smiled and stuck my earphones back in. Cool, I'd get to meet a band.

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