{ Pt.11 }

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"Jiminie? Why are you..." Yoongi trailed off as he followed the direction Jimin was looking in. "Yoongi! Finally." Tzuyu sighed as she walked towards them. Jimin took a step closer to Yoongi and Yoongi protectively wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist. "Oh. Who's this?" Tzuyu asked, eyeing Jimin from head to toe. "My boyfriend. Anything wrong with that?" Yoongi asked. "Boyfriend? But honey, we're gonna get married soon!" Yoongi cringed when she called him that. "I don't even like you. In fact, I hate you so much it makes me wanna die." Yoongi spat. Jimin looked between the two, unsure of what to do. Tzuyu grabbed Yoongi's arm and yanked him away from Jimin. "You're mine and you're gonna stay mine." Tzuyu said lowly. Jimin was losing his patience already. "Let me go you crazy bitch." Yoongi said, shoving her away. Hoseok was walking out with the other men now, all of them standing behind Jimin. "Hoseokie! Come tell Yoongi how stupid he's behaving." Tzuyu said. "No. You don't get to come here and order anyone around. Why are you even here?" Hoseok asked. "To get MY boyfriend from his job." Tzuyu said, glaring at Jimin. "Don't fucking glare at him." Yoongi growled, stepping forward. But he was stopped by Jimin's hand on his shoulder. "Hyung." Jimin muttered. "Look Miss Tzuyu. I don't know who you are or why you think you can boss any of them around, but they all clearly hate you. So I think it would be best you get out of here before things get ugly." Jimin said calmly. "What? You gonna fight me or something?" Tzuyu asked, smirking. She pulled a gun from her bag. Her own bodyguards were walking up to protect her. "Please. I don't waste my time on trash like you that nobody likes. And if we had to face off," Jimin pulled out his own gun and fired off a shot at her bodyguard, killing him. "I'm pretty sure we'd win." Jimin finished. Yoongi smirked and said, "Just go already." Tzuyu glared at all of them and walked off with her remaining bodyguard. "She could've at least cleared up her mess." Jimin muttered, stepping over the dead body and into Yoongi's car. "I see why you like him now." Hoseok told Yoongi. "Told you he's awesome." Yoongi replied proudly. "I'll see you back in my house. Let's order food in to celebrate." Yoongi said before he got into his car and drove off.

They reached Yoongi's mansion soon. Jimin sat on the couch resting while Yoongi went to report to his father. "It's done. Clean and sharp." Yoongi said. "Good. By the way, I got a call from Tzuyu's father, and he doesn't seem too happy." Mr Min said frowning. "What did he say?" Yoongi asked. "Not much. He just said if you hurt Tzuyu again he'll terminate the deal." Mr Min said. "Don't worry. I'll get the formulae soon and we won't have to be threatened by them anymore." Yoongi pat his father's hand reassuringly. "Just be safe. I can't lose you too." Mr Min said. Yoongi nodded and gave his father's hand one last squeeze before leaving the office. He pulled out his phone and called Jackson. "Hey hyung. What's up?" Jackson said. He could hear Coco barking on the other side. "Can you and Mark come over? I need your help for another mission." Yoongi said. "Sure. We'll be over soon." Came Jackson's reply. Yoongi thanked him and hung up. He walked into the living room and saw Jimin dozing off on the couch. It was nearing 7 in the evening. Jimin was probably tired from the mission. "Babe. Wake up. Let's have dinner okay?" Yoongi whispered, patting Jimin's head lightly. "Don't wanna." Jimin muttered, hugging Yoongi's arm and pulling him down unto the floor. Yoongi fell with a grunt and sat cross-legged next to the couch where Jimin was sleeping. Jimin used Yoongi's arm as a pillow and quickly fell asleep again. "Jiminie, I need to get them to cook something." Yoongi whispered. Jimin mumbled something and snuggled closer to Yoongi's arm. Yoongi sighed and gave up trying to wake up the little mochi. Instead, he decided to admire Jimin's features for awhile. His ash grey hair had started to grow slightly longer, but he still looked as cute as he did the first time. Yoongi smiled as he played with a few strands. Soon, he felt fatigue taking over his body. He fell asleep soon as well, resting his head on the couch next to Jimin's. Awhile later, Jackson and Mark arrived.

"Can I get a picture of this? Please? They're so fucking adorable it makes me wanna die." Jackson exclaimed as he watched the sleeping couple. "Yeah okay. Let's blackmail Yoongi with this next time." Mark agreed as he whipped out his phone and snapped a few quick shots. "Shhh, don't wake them up." Mark warned as he and Jackson crept over to the dining table and sat down, far away from the two. "They're so domestic." Jackson said. "They are. In all the years I've known Yoongi, I've never seen him so peaceful. Ever." Mark stated. "It's weird how meeting a single person can change your whole life." Jackson sighed dreamily. "Really? I don't think so." Mark said mischievously as he looked at Jackson. "Stop it." Jackson scolded, blushing. "You like it anyways!" Mark laughed. "I do. Anyways, it's good for Yoongi hyung. He deserves some happiness in his life for all the hardships he's gone through." Jackson said. "He does, doesn't he? He acts strong on the outside, but on the inside, he's just really broken." Mark replied, looking over at the sleeping man. "Well then he's lucky he found Jiminie. At least he has someone to count on now, other than his friends and family." Jackson said. "And I'm lucky I found you, Jia Er." Mark said teasingly. Jackson blushed a bright shade of red and smacked Mark's arm. "Stop it okay Yi En. You're embarrassing me." Jackson said. "You're cute when you're embarrassed!" Mark defended. "Aren't I? I'm cute, sexy, wild and perfect." Jackson said smugly. "And that's why I love you."

I feel so shit bad for delaying the update. I'm so so so sorry. Here's a little Markson fluff because they weren't getting much scenes together. I promise I'll update again soon.

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