The king, the queen, the prince, my princess.
I had left the castle soon enough, I wasn't able to say good bye to her though, the touch of her fair hands, her red lips locking with my own, her dark long hair touching my shoulders while she sleeps, the tiny scar in her sea blue eyes that made you even think that she wasn't as vulnerable as she seemed to be, giving her that fierce look that I've come to love more and more since the day I met her...
But I couldn't afford to distract myself now, not while trying to escape, not while trying to stay alive, to stay alive for her.
I had been on the run for quite a while now, and all I wanted was a good night sleep, then I could plan my next move, maybe plan how to get rid of the king for that matter. The queen however was no big deal, she seemed to be a little mad for what I had seen, she wasn't dangerous at all just living in her own world. The prince didn't really care about his sister, he just wanted the throne, and if she happened to disappear one day he wouldn't bat an eye. The king however, he was a whole new world, a whole new problem that had to be handled right away, at least if I pretended to be able to be with her again, the king would never allow it, he would never let me come close to his daughter, he'd had me good as dead before I could even speak a word to her or even come close enough to see her properly, close enough to be able to admire her.
The king must die, at least if I wanted to continue living, at least if I wanted to continue by her side, and that was not an option, not anymore anyway.