I woke up to my alarm going off and Nathan gently shaking my arm. "Hey,y/n wake up we're gunna go get breakfast" "Hm?"I say "Breakfast." Nathan repeats "K I'm going." I say with my morning voice I walk into the bathroom and brush my hair and my teeth. Nathan goes back to the front of the bus and I wear the following.
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I see them all sitting at the front of the bus. I smile at everyone. "Good morning!" Everyone says good morning except Justin. I frown. "Where we gunna go?" Ryan asks. "Taco Bell!" Justin screams. As soon as he said that a whole bunch of memories flew through my head. I tear up and I look at the ground. I blink and I can feel tears fall out of my eyes. Raegan confronts me and he puts his arm around me. "You okay?" I wipe my tears. "Yeah let's just go." I say quietly. "I will stay here with you if you want." Raegan offeres. "Nah I'm good lets go." I sniffle and look up at Raegan and smile at him. He nudges me. "Lightennnn upp." He says. I laugh. We decided to walk to Taco Bell cause it wasn't far. We started to walk and I go on Instagram. "Can't believe she did that to j." "Knew jay could do better." "Smh." "Wow what a hypocrite." I feel my heart sink. I go on Justin's Instagram be deleted all the pictures of me. I felt like running back home. I guess raegan saw so he held my hand. I smiled,raegan was my bestfriend. I leaned my head on him. Justin saw us. "Hey raegan come here I need to show u something." He said. "Can u show me later?" He asked. "Yeah sure." Justin scoffs. raegan wraps his arm around my waist. I start bust out laughing. Raegan and everyone else looks at me. raegan u bitch im ticklish there." i say while giggling They all turn back around giggling except jay. I felt bad. When we arrived at Taco Bell we orders what we wanted and we all talked or were on our phones. I was on my phone texting my bestfriend abigail.
You🙂 Hey Abigail❤️ Hey! You🙂 Wyddd?? Abigail❤️ Nothing wanna hang out?? You🙂 I'm kind of on tour. Abigail❤️ TOUR!? U NEVER TOLD ME!! you🙂 I know sorry I had to text my mom anyways it's horrible. Abigail❤️ What why? You🙂 Well I caught feelings for one of the boys on tour and he caught feelings for me and we kinda kissed a bit but when a fan asked us if we were a thing I guess I said no. Abigail❤️ Damn girl..y'all on goodterms or? You🙂 Sadly no,anyways we're getting breakfast I'll text u later. Abigail❤️ Okay love u girl be careful.
The food arrives and I see justin texting someone. I figured it was his mom,so I brushed it off. He knudged kale and showed him the phone "aye I'm boutta get some later!" He says while smirking
Kale scoffs. "Justin not to late we have a stop in Baltimore." Kale says while texting Kenna.
"I know." He says while laughing.
I feel my heart sink. I run outside and sit on one of the outside benches and cry. I hear the bell to the door open. It was Raegan. "Hey." He says quietly. "Hi" I say wiping my tears. "Come here." He says picking up my hand and taking me to a bus stop a little farther from Taco Bell. Raegan holds my hand. "Don't let him get to you,He isn't actually "gunna get some" it was a fan he was dming to just answer a question. I saw the reflection off of Justin's glasses." "But still man it fucking hurts." I start to tear up. "I know. Trust me." He says. I just barge into him and hug him I burst out crying as floods of memories go through my head. I looked at the window and everyone was having a good time. "We should go back." I say. "Are u sure u want to?" He says "Yeah I guess." I say shrugging. "I'll tell Nathan to switch spots with me so I can sit next to you." He says. "K." I say while smiling. We walk back to Taco Bell and raegan tells Nathan if they can switch spots. I noticed no one started eating. We start to eat and we joke I was actually happy. Once we finished breakfast we decided to go to the mall that they had not that far. We also walked over there and we actually were joking around and being happy. I missed Justin a lot and I was hoping he would forgive me at least by tonight's show. When we went to the mall I begged Raegan To go into pink with me,he agreed. "Hah loser." I said "You're a loser." He said slapping my arm. "Am not." I said giggling. We walked into pink and instantly saw things I liked. Raegan was just giving me death stares. "Pay for me?" I asked pleasingly. "Uh no you're crazy." He says scoffing. "Meanie." I say pouting. "Lets go." He says laughing. I put the stuff back and we walk out and go meet up with the rest of the people. We all walk around and drink smoothies it was fun. We soon had to go back to the apartment to get ready for our stop. We walked back to the hotel. We all got dressed I threw on a hollister hoodie and some white high top converse,along with a black velvet choker. I put on black skinny jeans that had slight rips on the knee. Raegan decided to call Matt. Matt👀 Yeah?? Raegan❤️ Is the venue ready?? Matt👀 Yeah hurry,people are loading in. Raegan❤️ Frick okay,on our way.
We quickly took an uber to the venue and we saw people standing against the gate. I noticed people were giving me ugly looks and I felt bad. I tried to confront Justin.
He ignored me of course.
We walked into the empty venue we sat in the back till it was time to go on.
I could hear the venue starting to fill up and people were shouting.
My heart started to beat. It was hard for justin not to calm me down.
I got up and went to go sit next to raegan.
"you okay?" he asked
"never better." i said sarcastally He looked at me. "Hey look I know times are hard but trust me we will be okay we're in this together we come as a duo." He says. I lay my head on him. "I love you raegan." I say tearing up. "I love u too." He says.
As they were calling the people on stage they called Raegan. Raegan grabbed my hand. "Duo remember." He says giggling. We both walked out and I can hear people gasping. Justin looked confused. We went and we stood at the back of the stage laughing. They started to play music. We all decided we were gunna do a dance battle with fans. So Justin picked a fan. Ryan picked a fan. Nathan picked a fan. Raegan didn't. Raegan grabbed the microphone and he said "I pick y/n." I giggled covering my face with my jacket. Justin and his fan went and they played juju on the beat. The whole crowd was chanting the song. Not gunna lie they did awesome. It was Raegan and I turn. We went in and they played bet you can't do it like me. I giggled. Raegan looked at me and grabbed my hand. He pushed me out and we did the dance. Everyone was chanting and cheering. After the rest of the people did there dance. We voted. Ryan and his fan won they were low key good. We sat at the couch for Q&A After the show was over we headed to the back of the venue for the meet and greet. Raegan grabbed my hand and took me to his side. "Duooooooo" he says laughing. We met some fans and I actually got more gifts then yesterday's show. We took an uber home. I was exhausted. I wanted to watch a scary movie but I was scared so I asked Raegan to watch one with me. We went to his bunk and we watched Annabelle. It wasn't that scary and soon I fell asleep on Raegan. Raegans P.O.V. Y/n fell asleep on me. I mean she was my bestfriend I loved her. Obviously not as more then a friend. I pulled her hair in a ponytail. I carried her and placed her in my bed and tucked her in. I went and went to go lay in her bed and slept there.