xxix. her warblers

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After Valentine's day, Aimeé and the Warblers wasted no time rehearsing their dream themed setlist for Regionals.

The Warblers decided to reinstate Sebastian as the Co-Captain, and Aimeé gave him a solo for the upcoming competition.

Blaine visited Dalton Academy days before Regionals to talk with Sebastian about their rivalry.

The two sat on the maroon colored sofa inside the empty senior commons.

"We both love Aimeé, but I'm obviously on the losing side."

"The moment you left, you already lost her."

Blaine smiled sadly, but nodded in agreement. "I shouldn't have, but I did. It was a mistake." he said and sighed heavily. "Can I just ask you one question?"

Sebastian shrugged. "Sure."


Sebastian wasn't confused with his simple question and just smiled sincerely, the same smile he always gave Aimeé.

"Let's be honest, Aimeé's pretty, and everyone knows that, but believe it or not, I fell in love with her voice first." Sebastian said and remembered how he walked past by Aimeé in Paris and heard her sing. "One random Christmas day, she came into my life without warning, and filled my head with her angelic voice. That time, I had no idea my dad and her parents were old friends from high school. When I transferred here and thought it was over me, she came into my life again, and I told myself not to let her go. She's the only girl I'm interested in, until my feelings weren't like anymore and turned to something more. It turned into love."

At that moment, Blaine knew he completely lost.


"Today's the second round of the competition. Let's do our best and have fun!"

Aimeé smiled happily as the Warblers cheered loudly around her. They were in the backstage, waiting for their turn to perform.

"We'll definitely win, we worked our butts off for this." Jeff said as he and Nick high five.

Aimeé chuckled lightly. "Most of us are graduating in a few months." she said as her eyes met Sebastian, who smiled affectionately at her. "So, lets win Regionals, then Nationals!"

The Warblers cheered loudly again and embraced each other.

"And now for the last contestants! Let's give them a round of applause. The defending regional champions from Westerville, Dalton Academy Warblers!"

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