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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'IT WAS AN ACCIDENT'!" You balled your hands up into fists as you stood in the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Wyatt (you're kind of pissed at him right now, if it wasn't obvious). Wyatt jumped to his feet to defend himself. "Look, it was for a video, okay?" He spoke in a somewhat condescending tone, like you wouldn't understand. You understood enough. "A video, huh? How dumb do you think I am? There wasn't even a camera! You kissed her, in front of me. How do think I'm going to react? I'm not just going to shrug it off. I know when I'm being cheated on." You give a laugh of disbelief, grabbing a suitcase and beginning to pack your stuff. "Where are you going to go, [Y/N]? What are you going to do? Face it, you need me." You're quiet. Once you get everything packed into a heavy suitcase, you slam it shut and turn around. "Wyatt, I need you about as much as I need nuclear physics right now. The answer is no, now go find some other girl to cheat on." You start your walk out of the room, making sure to give your ex a hefty dose of 'fuck off.' As you walk down the hallway, you hear him call out after you. "You don't deserve me, anyway!" You stop and turn back, smirking. "You're right, I don't." You walk out, and as soon as you're out of the building you start panicking. You didn't think this through. Where are you going to go? Definitely somewhere far away from here, but you have no one to live with. Unless....


You wake up to the phone ringing. Damn, you probably should stop falling asleep with your phone in the bed with you. Then again, it is basically the closest you're going to get to having an SO. You fumble around a bit before finally getting the phone up to your was, propping yourself up on your elbows, sitting up a bit. "Listen [Y/N], you know I love you, but it's 3 in the morning and I need my beauty sleep." You hear a laugh come from the other end of the line. "You must not sleep that much." You scoff. "Sweet as ever, now what do you want?" "You see, I may have had a nasty break-" You interrupt her by with a loud shhhhh. "Say no more. One second." You get out your laptop, also conveniently located in the bed with you. "Your plane leaves tomorrow, I'll see you then." "Oh my god, thank you so much! You have no idea how much i appreciate this." "No problem. Bye, and also, fuck Wyatt." You hear a laugh. "Bye."


Hello everyone, my name is Cherry! You may have read my other book, Paths. It's also an x reader. It's a Choose Your Own Adventure, though there's not much to choose from at the moment. All shameless self-promoting aside, thank you for reading this book! Hopefully you'll give it a chance. There will probably be spelling and grammar errors, so if you spot any, please let me know! I want make this book the best it can be. Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to let me know! I could always use a little inspiration. Alright, that's it for my small little talking session.

It's Ironic, Okay? [Ethan Nestor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now