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March was the month of Gabrielle, no more to say, because she saturated everything, then disappearing.

Gabrielle was like her name: suave, flexuous and marvellous. She came from Brazil but for work she travelled between London, Paris and Milan. Emerald green eyes, like an hungry cat, ebony curly hair and olive skin, with a physique which got the poor Thomas speechless. To define her 'a model' is quite an understatement; she was an ascending super top model, new goddess of the Amazon forest. The most serious problem was that she was fully aware of it; devourer of men and money, free as the air, fatal as the death.

Thomas met her during a shooting where they worked together. Chemistry, as well Physics, were on their sides that day, thus the same evening they decided to study their bodies more; the next morning, with the favours of the sunlight, they looked better making even some chat, so realizing they could also get along.

Gabrielle was the embodiment of all the fears of Tom's parents; sure of her star future, she left very young the school, and just of age, she moved to Europe. She was very proud about her choices, she spoke and argued a lot with Thomas about them, mainly the superfluity of concluding the studies and the need to live on his own as soon as possible. According to Gabrielle's opinion, in the world of fashion and showbiz to be twenty meant to be already old, then the moment must be immediately caught, no time to lose. Accepting the risk of drastic decisions in the present.

Gabrielle was a public relations machine; aperitifs and luxury dinners, parties and exclusive events wildly followed one after another; all that justified by the need to develop important contacts which could have favoured the take-off of her career.

And obviously a goddess dresses as a goddess.

Who wouldn't have willingly shelled out money to clothe that wonderful body, doing finally justice to it? Gabrielle never moved with the wallet; the price of her unbridled life was always paid by her poor victims, blinded by her brilliance.

When she and Thomas moved together the scenic effect was guaranteed; Mr. Universe and Mother Nature. The only feelings allowed at their view were the wonder for the good guys and the envy for the bad ones.


In the first weeks spent together Tom's life suddenly sped up; every evening was dedicated to her and the following morning he came back to school consumed.

He spent the first hours of the day trying to recover, while the next ones were necessary to plan the incoming evening. Meanwhile, she was at home sleeping.

Gabrielle must be constantly entertained; to avoid the risk she felt bored, or she put the eyes on someone else, or vice versa.

In every free moment Thomas raged on his precious phone to check calls and messages.

Every weekend was spent together in London, where she had her headquarters; Gabrielle wanted to meet all the English friends of Thomas, looking for new potential sponsors for her success.

The school was almost completely put aside; Thomas merely copied the homework, often without understanding what he was writing. March wasn't a period of written and oral tests; thus, despite everything, his academic performance didn't fell down with him.

Thomas temporarily left also the gym and the pool. Anna restarted with her outdoor trainings, or rather with her escapes, as his friend called them; the spring was coming, there was no more danger for her health.

In that period Tom's life changed speed but not direction. The boy knew well the rules governing that world made first of all of image and, although very young, he learned to swim in that sea far greater than him. Gabrielle didn't do everything she wanted with him; he didn't indulge all her wishes and he didn't listen when she didn't stop saying to forget the school and find a flat to share in the maximum freedom with her. Staying with Anna taught him many things and in those frantic moments he took all the past experiences with him.

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