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I woke up seeing Yuri face. It seemed so calm. I blushed at the thought of last night. "Did we actually do that?" I thought. "Mmm" Yuri said flicking his eyes open looking at me. "M-morning" Yuri said rubbing his eyes and smiling. "Morning Yuri" I said smiling at how cute he is in the morning.
We both layed there. In silence. A good silence. "Do what are we now?" Yuri broke the silence. He looked at me with those big brown eyes. "Mhm what are we?" I repeated his question. I looked at the ceiling. "I guys we are a couple now." I said looking at Yuri. Yuri's face lit up red. I blushed seeing him all flustered. "Yeah I guess so" he said hiding his face with the blanket."Ah Yuri don't hide your beautiful face" I said pulling down the blanket.
    There was a knock on the door. "Yuri do you know where victor is? He wasn't in his room?" Yuri's mother asked though the door. Yours eyes widen not knowing what to say. "H-he.." "I'm in here. Mrs Katsuki"I said interrupting Yuri. Yuri turned to me. His eyes widen at my response. "Oh ok" she said walking away. "See that wasn't bad" I said looking into Yuri's eyes.
We got up at got dressed. "So when are you going to tell your parents about us?" I asked pulling my shirt over my head. "Soon" Yuri said quietly. He said in his bed looking at his hands. I walked to him. Kneeling to his level. "Yuri you alright?" I asked taking his hands into mine. "Yeah just that can't believe that we are..." he trailed off. "Dating" I finished his sentence. Yuri looked at me blushing at my words. "Yeah" he said smiling. I kissed Yuri forehead. "I can't believe it ether" I said smiling.
We both walked to get breakfast. "Is eggs and toast ok?" Yuri's mom asked. "That be perfect" I said sitting. I patted the seat next to me for Yuri. Yuri sat down next to me. His face still blushing.
    How mom brought out two plates with eggs and toast. We both dug in not saying anything.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////hey sorry guys for not posting in a while. I just lost motivation to write this. But ok going to keep going. <3

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