Chapter 1

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September 22 9:55PM


“Someone’s coming!!”

*Doors open*

*Lights on*

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!” Me together with the others shouted at the same time.

I could see Sam’s surprised face as he enters the room. He gazed upon the wonderfully decorated room and smile to everyone who met his gaze. When his eyes landed on mine, He went towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Happy Birthday Sammy!” I teased him. I know he doesn’t want to be called by that. He leaned towards me and gave me a quick hug.

“You didn’t have to go through this trouble.”

He smiled at me as he released me from his hug. “I wouldn’t want to keep you all to myself now would I, people might start to wonder where you’ve been hiding all this time.”

“You know I only want to spend my time with you. Plus I’m betting I won’t recognize half the people in this room.”

“Ha-Ha-Ha you’re probably right! I told our friends to invite their friends, and their friends to invite their friends. The more the merrier right? I’m thirsty.”

“Come on let’s have a drink.” The party was so loud there were dancing, singing and definitely drinking.

We danced for a while and after that I took his hand and pulled him to our friends. “It’s your birthday! Go mingle or something!”

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he dashed away. As I watched him mingle with our friends and some people I don’t recognize. I couldn’t help but smile because after all that I’ve been through he was always there for me, I have the perfect guy anyone could ever wished for. We had been together for almost a month now but we’ve been friends for a long time, we’ve each other since we were twelve I think. And today it’s his twenty-seventh birthday.


[FLASHBACK] Sixth Grade

“Silence!” said the teacher I believed she’s called Mrs. Andrews. I was standing there beside her as she was speaking in front of the class. “We have a new student.” looking at me then she continued “Her name is Jannie Cole. She will be in our class starting today.” She pointed an empty seat at the last column at the back. And I walked towards my seat without looking at my new classmates. As I sat down my someone tap my shoulder.

“Hey! Jannie right?”

“Yeah.”It was just my seatmate. He’s cute by the way. Curly dark brown hair and icy blue eyes, not to muscular type of guy. But is my type type of guy.

“I’m Sam. Sam Smith”

“Oh. Hi Sam!”

“Since we’re gonna be seatmate I think we should get to know each other.”

“What do you wanna know?”

“Why did you transfer school?”

“We had to move house, and this was the nearest school from my house.”

“Oh. Okay. So how are liking it so far?”

“I don’t know it’s just my first hour on this school.”

“Right! Haha, Jannie…can I call you Jane? Jannie is just too long for me.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Sure. In return can I call you Sammy?” My first day of school and he’s already flirting with me. Nice! It’s a good thing that I like him though. Or I would have stopped talking to him when he introduced himself.

“No. Don’t ever call me Sammy. It makes me sound gayish.” I laughed and he laughed with me too. I guess being a new student isn’t so bad. I have a feeling me and him are gonna become close friends.


“Jane! Jannie! Hello?”

“Oh! Hey Sam having a fun time?” I didn’t realize I was he was standing there. I wonder how long has he been standing there.

“Yeah, what were you just thinking about?”

“Nothing. It’s getting late wanna call it a night off? ”

“Yah, you’re probably right. I’ll go and tell them that the party is over.”

Woah this place is a mess. Maybe next time when I throw a party I won’t use my apartment as the venue. I slowly pick up all the trash, there where bottles, cans, cups all over the floor. Hopefully no one was drunk so we wouldn’t have to deal with them. Couple of minutes later Sam was beside me helping me clean up. After an hour of cleaning my place was almost neat again. I am so tired it was almost 2 AM in the morning. I sat on the couch almost falling asleep suddenly Sam said something.

“Hey I better get going.” He said as he walked towards me.

“You don’t have to, it’s late plus you can spend the night here.” He smiled and sat on the couch next to me. I move closer to him so that I can lean on his shoulder.

“Thanks for tonight.” I heard him say as I fall asleep.


“Right! Haha, Jannie…can I call you Jane?”

“Sure. In return can I call you Sammy?” My first day of school and he’s already flirting with me. Nice! It’s a good thing that I like him though. Or I would have stopped talking to him when he introduced himself.

“No. Don’t ever call me Sammy. It makes me sound gayish.” I laughed and he laughed with me too. I guess being a new student isn’t so bad. I have a feeling me and him are gonna become close friends.

“Jane, this is my best bud Nick Taylor” Sam said pointing to his right. His other seatmate. Dirty blonde hair, green eyes and definitely muscular type.

“Hi there” said Nick with a smile on his face.

“Hi” I said smiling back.

Heyy!! Thanks for reading. This my first time writing! Please vote me and do comment below! :))

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