Chapter 5: New Adventures

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Chapter 5: New Adventures

.It had been a week since Serena had told her mother about a passion to compete in the battle chateau, her friends were happy for her, though Ash didn't show it much he was satisfied with the fact that she was pursuing her dream. Today was the day Ash was going to leave Lumiose in order to start his journey and Serena as well considering that her mom had stated she was starting her journey the same day as Ash, Daniel had left a few days ago wanting to get a head start in front of Ash, followed by Shauna.

Ash and Delila had also moved to their new home about five days ago and were completely settled in, the best part is that their house wasn't that far from Serena's. Their house was bigger than Serena's, it had about three bedrooms, the living room which was bigger, the kitchen about the same size and the bathroom. It was a two story building and the bathroom as well as the bedrooms were upstairs.

At that moment Ash and Serena were just taking a walk around town, Ash had insisted that he should go alone but Serena insisted she wanted to go with him so she just went with her. The two were just walking in silence which was starting to annoy Ash so he decided to break the silence.

"So are you excited about starting your journey today." Ash asked.

"To tell you the truth I'm nervous about all of this, maybe even a little bit scared." Serena said as she looked away.

"And why is that?" Ash asked.

"Well I'm just afraid that I won't be good enough. I mean you already know that I'm not that good of a battler, what if I don't even make it to the grand festival." Serena said as she began to shake her head.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, you aren't gonna make it." Ash simply said which caused Serena to look up at him.

"How can you say that?" Serena asked as she felt like slapping Ash right there and then.

"Well it's true you won't, at least not with that attitude." Ash stated as he looked away from her.

"What do you mean by that?" Serena asked.

"What's the point of going to war if you believe all is lost, what's the point of going to a competition if you believe you've lost and what's the point of chasing a dream if you believe you won't achieve it. The point is you might as well not compete in the battle chateau if you're going admit defeat right from the start." Ash said as he turned to face Serena.

"So what's it going to be Yvonne?"

"(sigh) I guess you're right maybe I'm just over reacting." Serena said. After a while the two then went back to their respective homes to prepare for the adventures there were about to set on. For Ash this was his seventh region, the region where he might finally achieve his dream of being a pokemon master. For Serena this was a whole new experience, traveling an entire region, making friends and probably a few rivals.

An hour later both Ash and Serena along with their mothers met by the entrance to the forest of route one. Both of them were ready to leave but their mothers were being...well they were being mothers.

"I want you to be careful out there and call every once in a while to tell me how you are doing. And make sure you pack a good set of supplies every time you get to a town or city." Grace said as she continued to tell Serena what she should be prepared for, Delila could not but smile at the scene.

"I remember when that was me back when you first went on your journey." Delila said as Ash chuckled at this.

"Yeah except yours was way longer than this." Ash said.

"Oh and remember to be careful out there especially with criminal organizations like team rocket out there." Grace said as this caught Ash's attention.

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