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kylies pov**

justin was upstairs takeing a shower when i was ALONE in the sitting room watching teen beach movie until i heard the bushes in the garden rattel i went out to go out and see jason oh crap he grabed my arm pulled me out of the house throwed me in the car and started driveing

jasoons pov**

haha this girl is gona sufffer if she DOSENT obey me im going to kill her im going to tourture justin byy posting videos of her being cut beatean and raped this is going to be so much fun i manged to drug her even though shes strong this drug whould keep her out for atleast afew hours this beautifull slutt deserves whats comeing to her but im nott tthe person whos going to be punishing and hurting her its going to be zayn,harry,naill so i kinda feel sorry for her as there revenge is usually not good and EXTREAMLY painfull  after the car ride she was still drugged so i ttook herr  out of my car i pushed herr overr to niall and harry as they dragged her in and i went

naills pov~~

kylie woke up just as we were dressing her

kylie-w-w-wwhats going on i said with my eyes still really bluring

niall-put this dress on your my fake girlfriend for tonight

kylie- this slutty shit noo and weres justin

niall- umhmhh justin died and he said we should take u 

kylie-ok fine but do i really have to wear this dress and thease heels


kylie-well im not going to and u cant make me niall

niall-unless u want to die put the fucking dress on


niall-kylie im warrning u PUT THE DRRESS ON

kylie-no kill me i dontt care at least ill be with justin and not some heartless creep like 

niall-ill get justin to kill u he isent actually dead u little bitch JUSTIN COME HERE


niall-justin shoot this slut

justin-ew look its the slut


justin-can i quickly talk to her 


justin-kylie listen ill untie u u jump down thoes stairs run to my car get in wait for me and we drive understand i whisperd


justin-now 1-2-3...GO

kylies pov** 

i rran as fastt as my little legs could take me which was faster then i knew i could run i saw justin right behind me i pushed the buttion forr tthe car and it opend me and justin jumped in and he put the key in he started shooting randomly at the door which tbhe bullett killed jason,niall,harry wow all our problems gone

kylie-t-t-thnk u justin

justin-u dident think i whould actually kill u did u ?haha mabey..

kylie-what was that...?


kylie-before i knew it justin pulled a bullet out of his jacet and shooted me i woke up screaming holy crap 

sorry haha btw she was never really dateing jason ALL OF IT was a dream ill update after just gotta do homework

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