Cry Me A River💃🏽🚶🏾‍♀️

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Elise Oglevee's POV

I relaxed on my sofa with a glass of whiskey in my hand. It was about 11 at night, and I was up, couldn't go to sleep for nothing. I watched the Cosby Show back to back, and even watched a newer episode that just came out a few weeks ago. I guess you could say this was my favorite show. Constantly watching this takes me back to my childhood, and how much love was within my family and lack thereof. I wished for a long time that my family was as nuclear and spontaneous as this one. But I don't really care anymore.

An unusual knock was at the door, interrupting my focus on the tv screen. No one ever comes by, especially not this late.

"Who is it?!" I shouted.

"Open the door Elise!" And by the tone of her voice, I knew it was Mahalia.

I tossed my head back and sighed. Oh my fucking God, I said frustratedly to myself. "Go away!"

"I'm not going anywhere until you open this damn door!"

I shrugged and continued to watch the television. Suit yourself. I guess she had plans to be out there forever.

"Fine I'll wait!" I heard her say, and the sound of her back sliding down the door was recognizable to me.

Something made me wanna get up and open the door, something strange, because rarely do I show sympathy for people. Family or not. People is people. Nobody showed sympathy for me when I was struggling as a young adult, and hell I'm still struggling. Why should I feel sympathetic towards other people?

I pulled open the door and she fell in on her back from leaning hard against the door. "Ouch." She grunted. "What do you want Mahalia?" I sighed but kept my voice level at a low.

She stood up and fixed her clothes. "You know you gotta lot of nerve saying all that mess at the dinner table." She said.

"I, gotta lot of nerve?" I asked while pointing to myself.

"I can't believe you tried to embarrass me like that in front of the most highly respected people in my life!" She snapped. I just stared at her. "I mean,you were being so disrespectful to me, mama, and everyone else that were trying to have a good time. It's like everything I try to do, you just try your hardest to sabotage it. Can't I have the spotlight to myself? Just for a moment?!" She exclaimed.

I started laughing, laughing almost to the point where my stomach hurt.

"It's not funny! Why are you laughing!" She shouted with anger in her eyes.

I pulled myself together after that good laugh. If only she knew why I found it so humorous.

"Why do you hate me Elise?!" She demanded an answer with tears streaming down her plump cheeks.

"I don't hate you Mahalia." I said calmly and shook my head. "The hell you don't." She responded. "You hate me, you hate mama, that explains why you said some hurtful things to her earlier at dinner. You're just full of hate! You hate your family, your neighbors, the sun, the grass...I don't get you!"

There were tears just waiting to fall, but I fought them. I took those built up tears inside of my head and used them to put out them flames of anger I was seconds away from showing. Tonight, I was tired of being angry, my whiskey helped calm me down. My eyes were heavy and strained from staring at this tv for hours non-stop, I had a slight headache, and now I have to hear these words coming out of my sister's mouth. I watched her speak, completely giving her the floor to say whatever it is she felt the need to say. I was tired, but I stood their and heard her out.

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