Chapter One

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We were strolling on the beach like in those really cheesy movies that girls swoon over. I just don't get it. I mean, sure. Some actors are really attractive but real life is more important.

I dragged my pale feet along in the golden, grainy sand. The blazing sun was setting behind the mountians called the sea. Everyone else were miles in front of me but I didn't care. It's always nice to have some time to myself every once in a while.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my sister call my name and I quickened my pace, speed-walking faster than I have ever speed'walked before. When I caught up with her, she laughed, "What were you all the way back there for?"

"Just thinking," I replied simply. It's not telling the whole truth but it's not exactly lying.

"Okay," Jaime eyed me and looked back to the direction we were walking.

About half an hour later, Diamond told us that we should head back for lunch. Our stomachs growled in agreement and we all let out a laugh. Except Victor, he smiled shyly.


We all sat in a circle, like Diamond had instructed us to. She put all of our names in a hat.

"Okay, so the rules to my truth or dare are, you pick out a name and you ask them. And then that person draws out a name and so on, so forth. Got it?" Diamond smiled.

We all chimed, "Yes," in a chorus.

Diamond went first and picked out Olivia, "Okay Livi! Truth or dare~?"

"I'll have a dare!" She smirked.

"I dare you..." Diamond tapped her chin in thought, "to lick your armpit!" Olivia did the dare and we all 'ew'ed.

After a while of stupid dares and hilliarious truths, it started getting down.

"Jaime, truth or dare?" Duke asked in a suggestive tone.


"I dare you to kiss me,"


Duke grinned and Jaime looked away, blushing.

"Do it, do it, do it!" Whisper chants filled the room and Jaime quickly pecked Duke's lips.

"Awww," Diamond cooed.

"Sh-shut up," Jaime muttered, a red mask plastered onto her face.

Olivia yawned and so did Duke.

"Let's hit the hay guys," Victor suggested, standing up.

"Y-yeah," Olivia nodded in agreement.

We all stumbered tired my to our rooms and I fell asleep as soon as I fell on the bed.

The world of dreams slowly consumed me as I plunged into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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