Chapter 1: Another Day

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"Robots, ATTACK!" yelled Eggman as he sent hundreds of robots at Sonic and the gang.

The fight went just like all the other fights Sonic and his friends had, easy and quick. There were also those few times where Eggman decides to build a new bot.

"Oh so you think you can just destroy my robots so easily, well I have just built a new bot!" said Eggman as he pressed a button on his controller that summoned his newest creation. "Introducing Long Bot, he will surely have all of you tied up and securing me a victory!" said Eggman.

"Seriously, Long Bot?" Sonic said. "You're really starting to run out of ideas EggHead".

"It won't matter once I win, which is when I won't be needing anymore ideas!" said Eggman.

At that moment Long Bot started slithering its way towards Sonic and his friends. Everyone jumped out of the way and began their usual routine. Sticks throws her boomerang into Long Bot's eye, distracting it for a bit. Knuckles jumps on top of Long Bot, keeping it still. Amy hits it in the face with her hammer while Tails hits it in the back with his wrench. And finally Sonic does the final blow, destroying Long Bot.

"Well, was already expecting that, cya" Eggman said as he flew away to his lair.

"Well what do you guys want to do today" Sonic asked. "I don't know, all these Eggman attacks have made us start running out of ideas" said Tails. "I guess we should just go home" Sonic said. With that, everyone left and went home.

~ Eggman's Lair ~

"It's always the same thing everyday!" Eggman said as he sat on the couch eating Ice Cream. "I bring in my robots, occasionally make a new one, and they just destroy it!".

"Maybe you should use something else besides robots?" asked Orbot as he cleaned the Ice Cream that Eggman spilled on the floor.

"Too much work, Cubot change the channel!" Eggman said tossing his tub of Ice Cream across the room.

"On it boss!" Cubot said as he changed the channel. "Do you want me to send out your drone so you can see what other people are doing in town?"

"Yes, spying on people without them knowing always seems to comfort me" said Eggman, still feeling mad about yet another loss against Sonic.

As Eggman watched, he noticed something that the drone passed by. "Hold on, who is that?" asked Eggman.

"It appears to be Shadow, he must planning his next attack on Sonic" said Orbot.

"His next attack huh?" wondered Eggman. "Maybe I should take your advice about using something other than robots, Orbot".

(Sorry if you were hoping for some Sonamy right away but I just couldn't fit any in this chapter, but I promise there will be some)

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