Chapter Six: [Let the Problems Begin...]

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Brandon POV

Two weeks have passed and the Apartment was dead. It was dark, quiet, and miserable. I don't even  remember when the last time I ever laid a foot outside. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't even think about what just had happen to me. I felt like I lost everything at just a snap of fingers. My heart felt like each day it was breaking piece by piece. I lost my world literally. It was all my fault.... how could I not see he wasn't happy?! I literally laid on the floor of the living room wrapped up in sheets from the bed everyday. I tortured myself by watching videos off our YouTube Channel. Jon was so happy, and enthused to make videos while me on the other hand was just going through the motions or catching an attitude in the videos. I was so fucking selfish and stupid. I teared up... I constantly watch Jon snap's or Instagram post. He either was with friends, back at home, or shooting little subliminal messages to the fans that him and I were going through something at the moment. I cringed at the thought of him ever telling the fans that we broke up. Well...he DID break up with me. The closet was left of nothing but my clothes, and stuff that I used to wear of his that he didn't want back. I began to cry some more. The tears began to drop from my eyes down to my lips. It tasted salty, and bitter like my heart. I got constant calls from Jhacari, chyna, liyah, and others. I didn't answer. I was embarrassed bro, and I already knew they asses was messy. ESPECIALLY Jhacari ass. I wasn't ready to talk to ANYONE. I got another text message notification, and I almost started to throw my phone BUT shockingly it was FJ. He hasn't bothered me since two weeks ago. I opened the text...

-Hey...Ik you don't want to hear from me or talk to me but..I just want to apologize for ruining your relationship. IF POSSIBLE...I would like to be friends again. THAT'S IT. I PROMISE....if not that, can we at least talk about it some day?-

I rolled my eyes. I knew FJ was sincere when it came to apologizing but he did kind of help ruin my relationship. Then again, Jon did break up with me because of big underlying issues he never communicated with me. I sighed and replied: I'll talk to you about it some isn't a good time. Give me time.- I then closed my eyes to try to stop myself from crying. Jon left me in a bad spot. I did deserve it though. I was left with the apartment bill to pay for, no money, groceries that were about to expire, and I wasn't putting enough content out to make money from promotions or videos. The tears began to seep from my eyes and I just let it out. My nose was stopped up, and I was out of there horribly. I had only so much money left over to take care of myself for about another week. I was so depressed and stuck. I tried calling Jon 100 times a day but eventually he blocked my number. I slowly got up, and went to throw some clothes on. I was just going to go out and drink my life away.



The sun beamed down on us as we walked across the beach. We as in Poudii and I. The breeze complimented us as we held hands and slowly walked. I lowkey felt like I was about to throw up. It wasn't to long ago when Brandon and I were walking this same sand. I almost teared up a bit. I loved Brandon so much...I still do but I guess this is what's best for both of us.  No one should be in a relationship with someone that really doesn't support you in your ambitions. Poudii and I weren't together just yet, I wasn't ready to commit with someone else again yet. I wasn't even over Brandon to be jumping into another relationship yet. I guess you can say Poudii was a refreshing thought to keep me sane while I got my decisions and thoughts together. He completely understood.

"Uh oh...someone is quiet again..." Poudii joked. I looked at him for a moment giving him a smile.

"Sorry.... I-its just that Brandon and I was over here a few weeks ago. Same Beach. Same long walks on the beach...." I sighed.

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