The Beginning

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Age 11-12

I sat on the stairs outside of my house watching the birds soar through the light breeze that was passing on a nice spring morning. My peace was interrupted when I began to hear light sobbing getting closer. I got up to find the source and it was who I supected. It was the neighbor Kirshtein's son. He looked scraped up as he went inside his house to his worried mother. He began to sob harder once he saw her. I sat for awhile after they went inside before going over to knock at their door. The boy answered and he calls for his mother. She looks at me with a grin.

"Oh, you are the girl next door, what is your name?"

"[F/N L/N]."

"What did you need little one?"

"Why was your son sad?"

She smiles sadly, " see, the other kids in town...aren't so nice to my Jean-bo."

I look at him, "Do you have any friends to play with?"

He hides behind his mom, "N-No"

I smile, "I don't either, do you want to be my friend?"

He seemed shocked and looked at his mom, "What do you say Jean-Bo?"

He got out from behind her and smiles, "Yeah. Let's be friends."

We shook hands and I held it as I took him outside to play and we were having fun playing

Titan vs Survey Corps. Jean was the Titan and was running after me when a couple of boys started to laugh. I looked at Jean and he looked upset.

One of the boys laughed, "oooh Jean-Boooo. You even look like a Titan."

I get angry, "You haven't even seen a Titan."

"Neither have you so zip it."

The ther boy joins, "Yeah, and Jean is fat so I bet the Titans are as well."

"Oh is Jean-Bo going to cry?"

I looked over and he was nearing it which made me even more angry.

"Oi, you leave Jean alone or else."

"Or else what?"

"You'll see."

They laugh, "Fatty Fatty Jean-Bo omlet."

I walked over and smacked one with a stick and he fell. I grabbed the other and kicked under his feet to make him fall before punching him. They began to cry and they both had bloody noses. Now I smile.

"Now you better hurry home, I hear that Titans can smell blood, one might smell you and climb up the wall to get you."

They both panic and run away crying while I let out a chuckle. I look at Jean who still looked upset.

"Jean, don't let them get to ya. They are weak so they pick on others to make them feel stronger. You are better than them."

I reach my hand out but he looks at my hand and I do the same to see some blood and bruising on my knuckles.

"Sorry Jean."

He then looks at his shirt before ripping the bottom to bandage me up making me smile and slightly blush at his kindness. We head over to his house and his mom sees our state.

"Jean-Bo, that was your favorite shirt. [F/N], what happened?"

"Those kids that picked on your son...I took care of it."

She looked shocked but smiled, "Fighting isn't always the answer [F/N], just remember that."

I nod and went to  leave but Jean stops me with tears in his eyes,

"[F/N]...thanks...y'know...for everything."

I smile and give him a hug, he was shocked at first but hugged back.

"Let's play again soon?"

He smiles, "Definately."

We got closer and closer after each day and Jean asked if I could train him to fight and I did to the best of my ability and he was very happy. We started to have sleepovers which was fun making blanket and pillow forts. We sat in the fort with flashlights, we were laughing until Jean began to look sad.

"Jean, are you okay?"

"yeah...I-I'm alright."

"I don't like you making that sad face, what wrong?"

"Am I fat [F/N]?"

I look at him confused, "No, why would you think that?"

"Because everyone else thinks so, only you and mom said different. I think you guys are just not wanting to hurt my feelings."

"Jean, you are still growing and with our training, you will fill out nicely. I like you the way you are now."

He blushes, "You like me?"

"We are friends aren't we, of course I like you."


"You are definetly someone that I would marry in the future."

His blush darkens, "S-So you like-like me?"

"If that's the word for it then yeah, you are the nicest person ever and you make me feel happy."

He smiles and takes my hands, "[F/N]..when we get old enough, will you marry me?"

I smile back with flushed cheeks, "S-Sure."

Now when we would play we would play house and Jean was the husband and I was the wife. It was a lot of fun...until I had to move. I didn't want to but I had no choice. I looked at Jean who was upset as well but was better at not showing it now, he has been getting thinner with progress.

"Keep up with training Jean-Bo, I'll see ya.....some other time."

My voice began to crack when suddenly arms wraped around me, I hug back and sob. He chuckles.

"Hey, where have I seen this before....I think it was the other way around though."

"Sh-Shut up."

We parted and he wiped my tears and leans in to whisper, "I will find you, wait for me?"

My eyes widen but I nod. We parted ways and I got in the carriage.

Jean-Bo: Jean X Reader(Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now