New Kids

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Clary's POV
"CLARY GET UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE!" Mom yelled. I groaned and rolled over. Why do we need to go to school anyway..? Oh ya because for some damn reason we need an education.
I got up and took a quick shower, enjoying the feel of the running water waking me up. After I got out and dried off, I threw on black, high waisted jeans and a black crop top. I then put on my black converse and my favorite leather jacket. I wasn't much for make-up so I grabbed my bag and keys and walked out of my room.
"Oh look sleeping beauty's finally awake." Jonathan said.
Jonathan is my annoying and protective older brother.
"It's called Beauty Sleep. You should try it some time. You really need it." Jonathan glared at me.
"Alright I'm out. Bye mom." I walked out of the house and over to my motorcycle. I turned the engine on and proceeded with my helmet before driving off. As I walked up to the school I heard someone call out my name.
"Clary!" I turned in the direction of the voice and found my best friends Magnus and Simon. As I walked over to them I noticed several of the guys staring. I rolled my eyes as I turned to Magnus who looked at me expectantly.
"Alright, spill, you look like a new store selling glitter just opened up."
"Haha very funny biscuit, but as I was about to say before you started bringing up my love for glitter..have you heard about the three new kids?"
"Magnus we get new Kids every year it's the first day of school. But no. Who are they?"
"There they are now." Magnus said as he pointed to three people. I looked over to see who he was pointing at. There were three of them. One was a girl with long raven colored hair. She wore a short black dress that went to mid-thigh and thigh high boots. I looked to the left of the girl and saw a boy with the same hair as her, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Finally, to the girls right, there was another boy wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, but this one had golden hair like a lion's mane and golden eyes. The girl walked up to me and said, " Hi I'm Isabelle Lightwood."
"Hey, I'm Clarissa Morgenstern, but you can call me Clary."
"Wait. Did you just say Morgenstern?"
"Yes." I'm not surprised that she recognizes my last name considering my brother and I basically rule this school.
"I've heard that you and your brother rule this school." I swear she just read my mind...
"Well ya that's true."
"Speaking of your brother, where is he?"
As soon as Izzy asked this I noticed a  black Mustang pull into the parking lot and my brother stepped out. I nodded towards his car and said," He's right there." As I said this I noticed that Magnus and Simon had disappeared. The two boys Isabelle had mentioned walked up just then.
The one with dark hair spoke first. "Izzy what are you doing just running off to strangers and randomly sparking up a conversation?"
I replied first. "Oh don't worry, my bark is worse than my bite."
I looked over at Izzy. "Have you gotten your schedule yet?"
"Yes, why?"
"Let me see."
After having memorized my schedule, it wasn't hard to see that Izzy and I had all of our classes together except History and Art.
"Alec, Jace, this is Clary Morgenstern."
Both boys looked me up and down as if checking me out before the blonde one spoke.
"At least your last name makes up for that shortness of yours."
Great, another smart ass. Just what I need. Eh whatever I know I could kick his ass if I really wanted to or I could have my brother do it if I was too lazy.
I started making sounds like a bomb ticking and I made a fake explosion with my hands.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"That's gonna be your ego if it gets any bigger Blondie." Both Alec and Isabelle start laughing at my little show.
"Oh we're giving nick names now Red?"
My brother came up then.
"Come on Clary we got to get our stuff before class starts."
"Ugh fine I'll talk to you later Izzy." I said as Jonathan almost dragged me to my locker before walking off to his. I wonder what that was about... I grabbed my stuff from my locker and headed to my first class. I had Art for my first class, so of course Izzy wasn't in this one. I sat in the back right corner and looked up to see Sebastian Verlac sitting in the seat next to me.

THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC!!!! pls no hate I do tend to drone on and on sometimes so bare with me. Also I ask that if you have any good ideas for the story pls comment. I will try to update every week THX FOR READING

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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