Chapter 7

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I crossed my fingers as I sat outside the hospital room with Luke, and just as I did, the doctor walked out.

"Everything's ok, she just has a mild concussion, so she might feel a little dizzy. If she's feeling better she can come home today" He smiled. Both me and Luke sighed in unison. Thank god. "You can come in and see her if you'd like to" He offered, opening the door for us. I ran over to Ariana. "Are you ok?" I asked, holding her hand. She nodded. "Where's Jai?" She sniffed. I looked around, Jai wasn't there. Of course. "He went home" Luke cut in. Ariana sighed loudly, before turning back to me. "When can I leave?" She whispered. "Today!" I exclaimed. She smiled widely, before jumping out of bed, as if she was in no pain at all. Suddenly she began to wobble, and fell onto the ground. "Ariana you should get back in bed." Luke said sternly. She shook her head and attempted to get up, failing miserably. Luke walked over and picked her up, and carried her out of the hospital.

"How's school been?" Luke asked as we were driving out of the hospital. "Learny" I replied cheekily. He rolled his eyes. "Have you made any new friends?" I nodded my head. "A few" I replied. We pulled up to the house, and helped Ariana out of the car, and into her room. After she was in bed Luke let himself out. "Cya Evie" He called out as he left. As soon as he did I walked back up to check on Ariana. Sure enough, she was fast asleep. I walked into my room and started getting ready for bed. As soon as I had, I flopped onto my big bed, and fell fast asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned, and climbed out of my warm bed, not letting myself fall back asleep. At least it's Friday. I put on my Calvin Klein crewneck, and some ripped jeans, before walking downstairs. I entered the kitchen to find Ariana screaming into her phone, tears running out of her eyes. She saw me enter the kitchen, and put her phone down. "Is everything ok?" I asked. "Perfect" She snapped, wiping tears from her cheeks. I frowned. "I'm sorry, I'm just going through a lot." She apologised, hugging me. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. Normally, she would've told me to eat more, but she didn't really care today. "Do you want a lift to school?" She offered. "It's ok, I'll walk" I declined. Then I walked out of the door and down the drive. I didn't live that far away from school.

I walked into school to find Sadie being pushed to the ground by an older girl. I ran over, and slapped the girl across the face. "Leave her alone!" I demanded. The girl stood there shocked, before marching over to me. "You've fucked up big, little hoe!" She shot, before walking away with her friends. I walked over to Sadie. "You ok?" I asked, helping her up off the ground. She nodded, and thanked me. "Who was that?" I asked nervously. "Lucy Whyte" She mumbled. "She's the queen of the school. Or at least she thinks she is. No one would dare to argue with her" She gulped. "But-" I started. She nodded, reading my mind. "You're basically dead." She stammered.


"Evie" Someone called from behind me. I turned to see the boy that helped me find my locker. "Hey, what's up" I smiled. We chatted for a while, before he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. "You don't know my name, do you?" He laughed. I shook my head. "Well, I'm Hunter" He said, putting his hand out for me to shake. "Nice to meet you Hunter, I'm-" I replied, before he cut me off. "You're Eve Grande" He interrupted, winking. I laughed and he pulled out a pen and grabbed my wrist. Thankfully he didn't turn it around, or he would've seen my cuts. "See you Evie" He smiled, as he turned and walked away. I looked down at my wrist. He wrote his number.

I grabbed my backpack from my locker and proceeded to find Ariana. Suddenly Lucy appeared in front of me. "Look who it is!"  She exclaimed sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Go away" I snapped. She grabbed the neck of my jumper. "You listen here Grande. This is my school. Therefore Sadie belongs to me, and you belong to me." She spat. "So I can do whatever I want with you" I nodded, "And you can't do a thing. Now go" She warned. I walked over to the carpark and continued to try and find her car. After about half an hour, I give up, and call Luke. He answers on the first ring.

"Hey lil Grande, what's up?" He laughs.

"Ariana isn't here" I sigh. "Can you pick me up?" He agrees and tells me he's leaving.

After about 5 minutes I spot his car. I run over and hop in. "Hey!" I chime. "How was your day?" He asks. I sigh a little, and he tilts his head. "Everything ok?" He asks, concern clear in his voice. "It was just busy" I lie. I didn't really feel comfortable telling him everything. The car ride passed in a blink, and soon enough, I was home. I thanked Luke, and unlocked the house. I walk past the kitchen and see Ariana on her phone again. I walk straight up to my room, and pull out my phone. I smile, remembering that I have Hunter's number, and send him a text.

hey hunter it's evie x

He replies straight away.

hey xxx

I'm about to reply when Ariana bursts into my room.

"Where have you been?!" She shouts. "Maybe waiting for you to pick me up!?" I reply sarcastically. "I've been out all day! It isn't that hard to walk home is it?" She yells. "You can't just blame this on me!" I argue, throwing my hands in the air. I notice that her attention is drawn to my wrist. And then it hits me. I forgot to cover my cuts.

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