56. I don't even know your name

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Oh, you waited so long

Sometimes it's hard to stand out

And you don't have to do anything else

Be yourself

You, you dressed up so nice

But all I could see was your eyes

And the crowd came and pulled you away

And then you were gone

Ooh, yeah

And I don't even know your name

All I remember is that smile on your face

And it'll kill me everyday

'Cause I don't even know your name

Oh, everywhere that I go

I see your face and it kills me to know

That you never know what you did to me

And now you're gone

Yeah, I can't stop thinkin' bout' you

'Cause I don't even know your name

All I remember is that smile on your face

And it'll kill me everyday

'Cause I don't even know your name

Yeah, I don't even know your name

I'm running, I'm searching

And I don't know where to start

I'm dying, my love

You punched a hole right through my heart

I won't stop, stop looking

'Till I hold you in my arms

'Cause I'm running, I'm running, I'm running

I'm running, I'm searching

And I don't know where to start

I'm dying, my love

You punched a hole right through my heart

I won't stop, stop looking

'Till I hold you in my arms

'Cause I'm running, I'm running, I'm running

And I don't even know your name

All I remember is that smile on your face

And it'll kill me everyday

'Cause I don't even know your name

Ciaoo a tutti, allora questi sono i primi 5 testo che ho pubblicato poi piano piano continuerò... Ora voglio sapere un po cosa vi piace a voi allora intanto qual'è la vostra canzone preferita di Shawn? E poi quali sono i vostri cantanti preferiti?
La mia canzone preferita di Shaw ovvero quella che amo da morire è Stitches e i miei cantanti preferiti sono ovviamente Shawn poi Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Camila Cabello, Ariana Grande.
Fatemi sapere anche voi!! ❤❤

Curiosità su Shawn MendesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora