"Angel of the Night.. Guardian of my Life.." A Synacky Fluff.

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Hey dears! Here's a story of mine over on Wattpad for ye :) Hope you like!



I finished my last can of beer for the night. It was one of those nights, when you're up for no reason. I flicked through the channels like I did for the past 2 hours,seeing ads, ads, some news, ads... so I turned the TV off, and lay back. There was some rain drizzling outside, followed by some wind. Wasn't a pretty sight, though.

I lived in a quiet area, which consisted of small houses, two small shops, a huge ass church, and a bridge that led you all the way to the city. But also, the bridge led you over a wide, deep river, which wasn't too safe on stormy nights, as of tonight.

I got up and walked to the window to close the curtain, wiping some codnensation away with my sleeve, when I saw him

It was... that.. that guy.

My heart almost beat out of my chest, and I wanted to run out to see him, but I knew I couldn't, for I am just a stranger to him.

See, back about two or three weeks ago, I bumped into this.. 'Angel' as I was leaving the shop with some things.. Lemme re-cap.

*Flash-Back Cx*

I had finally paid for my things and turned to leave for home. I opened the door and rushed out, which was a habit I had of doing. And sadly, I bumped into someone, causing the to fall backwards, folowed by an "Ooof!". I gasped and immediately dropped my stuff, and helped the stranger back on their feet.

"I- I'm so sorry, are y- you okay?" they asked me. Wait, they were asking if I was alright?

"Um.. yeah, I am, but it was my fault, not yours. No need for you to be sorry!" I said, happily. The stranger looked up properly, and I almost died at the look of sheer perfection.

He had this amazing, straight black hair, and some of it hung over his gorgeous emerald green eyes. He had snakebites on his plump lip, and a septum piercing on his cute little nose.


"Whoa..." I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear. He gave me a confused look.

"W- What?" he stuttered. I was caught red handed, but luckily he didn't wait for a response, for he then looked down, and began to pick up my stuff for me. He handed them to me shyly, which I found adorable, too.

"Oh.. thank you!" I chirped. He nodded, and before I could say anymore, he quickly walked away, to a place I would never see him again.

*Back to Present*

I kept looking out the window at him. He was swaying from side to side, and I was sure he would fall. He was holding a large bottle of drink. His hair was plastered to his head, his clothes was sticking to his body, and to be honest, he looked like shit. I wanted to help him, nut presumed he had family somewhere, so he could simply contact them. He then flung the bottle away, and it smashed into smithereens, and he toddled unevenly to the direction of the bridge.  

I shrugged it off, thinking he had someone waiting for him back in the city. I walked back to the couch, and got comfortable. But then it hit me...

The bridge!!

It all added up: he was drunk, it was late at night, he looked like a mess, he walked to the bridge.. w-what else?!

I sprang up from the couch, and sprinted to the front door, not caring if it I closed it once I was outside. The cold rain batted off my face, and the wind almost blew me backwards. I followed my instinct, and ran down the road to the bridge. What seemed like ages, I finally reached it, and saw him there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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