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So on the magical type writer everyone has a name. Mine is Ginny Potter{Married}. I am married to the loving Harry Potter(minister of magic). On the game you can have kids. Harry and I have 3. On there I have really good friends of mine like Ivy Goldstein(my sis irl), Aj Evans, Nina Evans, Kylie and more.
Now, in this chat room, there is one main sub. It is called Main. On there fights happen and very strange things occur. Some of the people on there are:
Ashley Potter-Frost

That is how I always imagined her looking like. Then there is her husband,
Dark Frost.

This is how I imagine him

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This is how I imagine him.
This is how I imagine me.

This is how I imagine my husband(on the game) Harry Potter(minister of magic) looking like:

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This is how I imagine my husband(on the game) Harry Potter(minister of magic) looking like:

This is how I imagine my husband(on the game) Harry Potter(minister of magic) looking like:

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This is how I imagine my best friend Molly Weasley the 2:

This is how I imagine my best friend Molly Weasley the 2:

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Life on the Magical TypewriterWhere stories live. Discover now