Red stuttered a bit at the questioning of her brother.
"Well?" Said Jack impatiently
"In the forest" replied Red bluntly, not being specific to her activities, knowing Jack's pure hatred for her mother and his fear for Red's well being given her past and present encounters with Ink.
Jack seemed irritated by the blunt answer, knowing Red was hiding something from him.
"Doing what exactly Red?" He demanded "and don't tell me it's nothing because you're covered in blood, which better not be your own"
"I-It's not my own" stuttered Red in a quiet tone" sensing Jack's irritation. Jack tapped his foot impatiently. "I-I was with----mom-----Ink". Jack's expression changed to an unreadable mix of anger,fear and worry.
"Red. You know-" Jack was suddenly cut off by Red calmly yet defensively expressing that something had happened but in her favour. Jack enquired about the events of that morning, still worried for his sister but not letting it show.
Red explained the events of that morning, Jack relaxed so slightly, he sighed. "My point still stands sis, you need to be careful around your family, especially Pa-" Jack trailed off knowing it wasn't a good to talk about this, considering Red's PTSD. Red's past wasn't exactly a happy one, from a young age she had been abused by her real brother, at the command of Ink. There had been multiple occasions that Jack had spent comforting his sobbing and terrified sister after a nightmare of her reliving the 22 years in her brothers basement.
Red mumbled an apology and very quickly changed the subject. "Are Rose or Brick awake" she asked, hoping that the two children she still had living with her haven't woken up yet.
"Brick isn't yet" Jack answered "Rose is in her workshop working on her project" Red nodded, Jack suddenly remembered something to cheer his sister up. "Staples called by the way" Red chuckled slightly having forgotten that her brother didn't really like her fiance Disabom very much. "He was just checking up on ya" Red smiled a bit at the thought of her fiance.
"How is Leonara by the way bro?" Asked Red enquiring after the ex-demon whom was Jack's fiancee and another person that Red considered a sibling. Jack nodded saying that she was okay. An awkward silence fell upon the two. They both had things to ask but they dared not ask as each enquiry was on a sensitive subject, ranging from the amount of bottles this morning to the amount of small blades hidden around the house for reasons that Jack knew, and Red secretly knew that Jack was aware of her tendencies, but neither of them were going to bring it up. A few moments of nothing had passed before Red left to the kitchen. Jack flopped on the couch and flicked on the television, determined not to fall asleep again. Red jumped slightly at the sound of something hitting on the window, she turned around just in time to see a skeletal hand removing itself from the glass. Her already pale face suddenly became considerably paler.
Scarlett Eyes
Randomanother story on Red Underfell that i dont know where it's going