Full Moon - 4.

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Around 7pm someone ringed at the door. My parents are in Australia so Liam and I are alone at home. That means we were forced to open the door. We woke up and walked half asleep to the door and opened it. It was Kira. I totally forgot. She wanted to pick us up and bring us to the lakehouse.

So we drove around like half an hour to Lydias Grandmothers lakehouse. Liam and I sat behind Kira because we wanted to sit together. I noticed something, something loud. I couldn't control me and started screaming from pain. "Whats wrong" Liam asked panicked. "Do..Don't you hear that?!" I said holding my hands to my ears because it was too loud. Liam took my hand away from my ear and intertwined our fingers. I calmed down. I don't know why but he has that effect on me. When he touches me I totally calm down as a werewolf but as a human I went crazy, well my stomach and my heart went crazy. "You want it louder Maria?" Kira asked and turned the music up.

When we came there Liam still held my hand. Scott directly went to us and brought us downstairs. He chained us next to each other to the pillar. Liam and I were under control and didn't noticed anything. We still held hands and because I'm human my heartbeat got quicker. "Are you nervous ?" "It's my first full moon so, yes, I'm nervous" i lied. I wasn't nervous at all because of the full moon but i was nervous because of him. He made me nervous. We were tied so we fell asleep at 9pm.

Kira: "They look so young" Kira told Scott.
Scott: "They are. They're 15."
Scott: "I think I owe you a dance"

And with that they both stood up and danced to a slowly song.

Kira: "so why are you so good at staying under control at full moon?"

Scott: "Its about making sure my Puls isn't getting too fast and my heartbeat doesn't go over"

Kira: "so you've mastered it?"

Scott: "It still takes a lot of concentration."

Kira: "so if something distracts you.." she said while nibbling on his ear.

Scott: "I'm indistracteable"

She kissed him but he still could control himself. But then Kira nibbled on his ear again and there they were. His red glowy eyes.

Scott: "cheater"

Kira: "I also just heard you grown"

Scott: "that wasn't me"

And then they both turned to Liam and Maria and saw Maria turned into a werewolf. A second later she jumped out of the window into the woods and it didn't took Liam long to turn into a werewolf too and follow her. Soon after Scott realized it he went after us.

I ran. I ran faster than ever. As fast as i could but then suddenly I stumbled over something and then I heard it. It was loud and it hurt. I screamed of pain. I could saw 4 lights. And then it suddenly was turned off. And there he was. Liam stood right in front of me.
Me: "I can't do this to them. They can't see me like this. Like.."
Liam: "like a monster?"
And then also Scott was suddenly there.
Scott: "you're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me and Liam."
I looked up at him and believed him. I trusted him. Well he's my alpha I better do.

We all went back to the lakehouse. It was 1am in the morning so we decided to stay there Lydia said it was no problem as long as no one wolfs out and breaks something. Liam and I slept together on the couch and the others went in other rooms. Except for Stiles and Scott, they slept in the living room as well.

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