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My love's a memory lost somewhere in wonderland but its fragments still remains

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My love's a memory lost somewhere in wonderland but its fragments still remains. In the corner of my mind she remains; sitting there playing the piano with the piece of my heart. She lives in my dreams and all she does is play sad melodies.

Should I consider her a beautiful dream or an endless nightmare? She plays the piano that's slowly being eaten by fire. It's similar to the one I once abandoned back at home, a brown piano.

I still wake up in the middle of the night crying over confusion. But why does it still hurts? Why are you still here? I wish I could remember why and what we really had or what has happened to our once so passionate love.

Remembering that we had the similar piano she's playing is a bit nostalgic. It was placed the the corner of the living room. I yearned to play that piano when I was little; I sat and stared at it all the time and I waited for that day to come when I could play that piano. And finally that day came and it felt and looked like first love.

It was like love but love doesn't to last long like love songs do. I turned my attention to something else and neglected the it like how I neglected you. On top of the jade-like keyboard dust piled and no longer had it significance. But mo matter how ignorant I was you stayed. You stood still with your heart on your head.

Maybe that's why I continued to be selfish. But I begged you to stay.

Don't go like this.

You said: Even if I don't go you'll do well on your own.

I think of the time when I first met you before you know what's important.

Though we are putting this relationship to its end.

Don't ever feel sorry for me.

I'll get to you again. Someday.

It tore me apart, my chest felt like it was going to burst.

I remembered when we were 18, two hearts beating as one. I carefully caressed you in my arms. Even though I was gone for years you accepted me without resentment. The two of us greeted the morning sun. I held your hand. Never let go of my hand because I'm never letting yours go.

Remembered, the time I suffocated you, but you remained breathing. Those moments when I was all alone you were with me. Every time I wanted to give up you remained to hold on to me. I fell into the deep pit of hopelessness and you pushed you away.

I told you: I regret meeting you.

But you still stayed by my side and held me firmly. You sat and played the piano with me losing my hope and mentality.

She who stayed. She who held me. she who saved me from falling. She who continued to believe in what I am capable of.

She who is my first love and I shall not forget who you really are.

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