Chapter 6

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I woke up early the next morning around six am. That was the first decent night's sleep I've had in a while. I got up and pulled the robe back on as I didn't have any other clothes. I went into the kitchen to see that someone had set the timer on the coffee machine and a fresh pot of coffee had just finished brewing. I made myself a cup and went outside to sit on the front porch to enjoy it. I watched the morning light swallow the darkness when all of a sudden there was a shadow that suddenly rose from the ground to my feet and begin to inch up my legs. My eyes quickly rose to see Brand quickly approaching. He was so hot and I was quickly getting wet just thinking about all the things I wanted him to do to me. " Good morning, Sir", I said voice quivering. " Guid mornin'. How did ye sleep"? "Very well, thank you. What do you have planned for today?" "We are going to be workin' oan th' contract th'gither 'n' then we wull watch a soft bdsm scene if yer game."

"How is watching a scene going to help?"

"Ye wull see. Whit dae ye say "

"Aye, sir. I don't have anything to wear though. Do you want me to let you know when Brinleigh drops my clothes off and i'm dressed?"

"No, the robe is fine. Let's go get started on the contract. This could take a while" he mumbled grabbing my hand.

"Hold on", I said, pulling my hand away from his, "let me go put something on underneath."

" I said the robe is fine. What do you have underneath the robe?" he asked. I quickly bowed my head embarrassed not wanting to answer his question. The next thing I know he grabs my hand, pulling me to my feet and into the cabin. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but I felt like I had upset him. I didn't think he would hurt me, but I couldn't help but to feel anxious right now. "Give me a word you will use if you feel like you can't handle any more or you feel unsafe" he growled. I couldn't help but to close my eyes and groan at his deep scottish brogue. When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me waiting for my answer. "Horses" , I said. That will do, he said as he pushed me up against the wall ,reached for the ties to my robe and started to undo them. Before i could react, he had yanked open the robe and as I reached up to grab the material, he effectively pinned my arms against the wall with the material of the robe. My body was on display for his eyes and there was nothing I could do. "The next time I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me or I'm going to spank that sweet little ass of yours. Do you understand me? Aye, Sir. I could hear my ragged breathing and feel myself getting so wet that it was running down the inside of my thighs. He leaned in where he was close enough to touch and I could smell his scent and whispered softly up against the shell of my ear, " I can see you're wet for me! My nipples straining towards his body as he finishes, "and I would love to lick your wetness from the insides of your legs, but you haven't ask me to, so you have ten minutes to get to my office wearing only your robe." And he walked out the door. I can't believe he just said that. I need to get control of myself. I have never gotten so wet for someone by the way they talk to me and then he has the audacity to say that I will beg him to touch me before he will. I don't think so. I go into the bathroom to wash myself off and put back on my clothes from yesterday. I am not going to his office in nothing but a robe. I quickly lock up and head to his office. As I walk in and sit down, he looks up from doing paperwork. I can feel his eyes slowing stroking over my body and his lips become a thin line, saying "Why are you wearing your clothes from yesterday?"

"I didn't want to wear just the robe, when I had clothes, so I changed."

" Ok, do you have the key to the cabin?"

" Yes, it's right here."

"Did you get all of your stuff out of the cabin?"

"I did"

Ok, you can leave whenever you like. I'll let Abel know that you won't be participating in our therapy program. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Silver", he said as he started walking to the door.

"What are you talking about. I just got here yesterday. I'm going to do the therapy", I exclaimed.

"No, Ms. Silver, you want to do things on your own terms and that is not the way things work around here. I am the dominant here on this ranch and you are the submissive. When I tell you to do something, I expect you to submit to my demands and do them because it pleases me and in return, I will respect you and keep you safe while teaching you to trust men and trust your instincts again. With you disobedience, I can see you are not ready for this. He turned back around and headed to the door. I couldn't let it end like this. "Please, give me another chance?, I begged as he was about to close the door. The door stopped closing. "Please".

Suddenly I noticed it opening back up and he came back into view. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, Sir"

His arms crossed in front of his chest. "Strip!"

"What? You can't be serious!", I exclaimed.

"Strip or leave. It's your choice."

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